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We definately need something like this

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Originally posted by Ms Dhucdhuc & Dheylo:


They could just as lie to your face. I know. It happened to me when a bloke told me that he was single and later found out that 2 previous wives died and he had one in London and another in Holland. The worst thing was..I knew of his aunty and his cousins and no one bothered to tell me. Maybe it was because it was hush hush..but still one cousin (my best friend) has suspected something but never came out to warn me.

lol@ Ex - Cambaro isn't it strange that this four star general you mentioned here and nothing was said about his past. I thought that this was not easy in an oral society.

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Hey Double DD....Iam suspicious of ppl in general, let alone those online which leads to this question since you seem little excited about the services done by these sites,are you n getting paid to promote this. This sounds a bit like guerilla marketing.

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Originally posted by Ms Dhucdhuc & Dheylo:

^^ Interesting Xanthus..


Interesting Indeedy. Could be PAragon himself


I also found that I knew someone from this site. But it is cool though.

Lol, Ms D. It was me, she is just too embarrassed to reveal how I swept her off her feet. You know, all in one evening's charm :D .

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^^don't you have some work to do or something! icon_razz.gifor sleep, feed the dog, clean, anything, just stop posting redface.gif:D

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Ms Dhuc Dhuc, magacaaga inaad noo soo badashay baad terrorism kusameyneysaa the General Section by means of posting trash, illaah haku caafiyo inan yahey.

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I if say baliis it will mean ruun baad sheeqas, i can't have people believe you :D


So Ms D & D i did not mean to hijack your thread smile.gif

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^I believe him. icon_razz.gif


As for the topic men are men be they on or offline. You'd get the same attitude, good, bad, decent or ugly. With the net, you only have their word and can't the all important CRB / ECR.

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^^why on earth for?? unless... you had a similar event while you were here and therefore know something I don't! in which case haas qaarxiinin :D

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^^^Oh go on do tell me beiils :D lol, Zenobia i hope you do have something on it by the sound of your laugh, lool. :D

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