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Waan marqaamay micnaheedu waad taqaan!

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Lool. War Sayid ma anagaad na la hadashay mise haweenka? ;)


Dee anagu waan ku af naqaane iyagu maku fahmayaan! :D

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maya, maya.... waad ogtahay micnaha - taas layskuma haysto



ee odayga dhamadka hadlayoo kale hanagu noqo ninyahow - lets have our fun.

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Aaaway nuune when you need him!!! loooooooool waraa nuune meeshaan mirqaan micnihiisa iyo adiga kaa u taqaan bal noo sharax loool



Wareer Badanaa!!

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^^^ Tuujiska, shakhfir aa lagu yiri shuushkaa u sheeg nuune wuu marqaamaa maa lagu yiri :D



Laakin Tuujiska, abaabiina Sayidka inaa u furto waaye baabkii geerisheynta, wuu ku cusubyahay baabul mandabkaan,


Mirqaan bilaa geerisheyn waa garaash bilaa gaari.



Waraa marax, intee ka dhacdey maalmahan, hadii la dhimanaayo dhareerka waa la iska dhowraa(waa ogtahay waxaan ka wado :D )

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What is wrong with ninka marka ugu dambaysa hadlaaya ??? ,,, he is clear and cut ,,, qoti waaxid ,, :D



Boon xirsi ,,, my all time favorite ...

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LOL - i guess none of you with the exception of Paragon understood the subject.


Nuune - af soomaali ku hadal ninyahow - haddii kale turjubaan soo ka xayso smile.gif


JB - the topic is not about the man - rather the subject he is singing about and its effects.

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Nuune kaalay war cusub aa soo baxay ma ogtahay.. waraa koo aan isnaqaano oo shiinaha jooga aa ii sheegay in shiineeskii ee barteen marqaan iyo geerisheen abooto iisha ilbuunee!!! inama caadi maha warkaas siin ula yaabaylee. Shiinees marqaamay aa la dhahay, mukulaal xitaa ma cafinaayo iyo qoolee!!!



Wareer Badanaa!!

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^^^ Sheekadaas intaad ka baxdo, marqaan iyo geerisheynta, ha i dhihin meeshii Sweden summerka waa ka baxey, maraxaa tahay cunee, waraa soo hadal qaamoon qanshiirka halagugu dhagee.



loool@ma cafinaayo qooleey

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Hagee baan u jeedsannaa? :D


Sayidka waan marqaamay macnaheeda waan aqaan lol. Waxaaba cajiib ah the hipness of the song's tempo and rythme. Fits the deliverance of that under-toned message s'ppose. :D


Wacdaraha, sxb Boon xiirsi waa imtixaan iyo nus!

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