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Gay rights and Muslim rights

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Commenting on the extension today of the Sexual Orientation Regulations to cover mainland Britain, the Secretary-General of the Muslim Council of Britain, Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari said:


"We affirm our belief that the practice and promotion of homosexuality is forbidden according to the teachings of Islam. However the Sexual Orientation Regulations are not about religious belief but about prohibiting discrimination in the provision of goods and services on grounds of sexual orientation. The MCB stands opposed to discrimination in all its forms."

Legal jargon aka wish wash....


It is condoning such actions and it is stating the secular laws curb religious laws and beliefs.

The MCB is confused and is confusing muslims...


You migh be against Discrimination but how you judge to be 'Discrimination' as a Muslim is based on the Islamic ethos. The Sharia is the governing legistlation of the muslim. No Muslim can make what is Haram in the Shariah to be Halal especially in the name of 'societal preference'. To do would go against what the Ulama (1400yrs of scholarship) have stated.


As muslims we can't equate the seeing with the blind, the walking with the crippled etc. There is Hierarchy in God's creation and God has always stated this in his revelations. Humanism and Liberalism preaches otherwise.


Now as a Muslim service provider in a secular state, you may have to "adhere to the state laws" but that does not mean that you should condone these laws and support them.


What is being now habitual to the westernized muslim mindstate, is this confusion of what is discrimination and what is equality and how these ideas are actually in conflict with the deen, if they are being promoted in the name of 'Secular Liberalism'.


You can't have two hearts as it states in the Quran and what these issues reveal is that some Muslim organizations and their Administrators often try to show an image with a body that posesses two hearts-ISLAM and Secularism.

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