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Xiinow aniga horta ragaa isku da' manihin. Haday da'adi cuslaysay oo kursi ama sariir kakici laayihin, waa iyaga hawl utaala. :D Aniga meeshan waa laygu sixray baan umaleeya ee hasheegin in laygu baryo. Waa lagayaaba in laygu baryo inaan fasax kaqaato but never the other way around. :D

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Xiinow, kolba othey marki lawayo walwal iyo silac ba afatha aay katagan kudaca.Halkan SOL waxan umalaynaya Qisatha otheyasha weyara dheratay wayo Cabashoyinkan bathan berito waxey keneysa in othey walba marku isxanajiyo inu istuthiyo bey noqoneysa.


PS Did i make any grammatical erors in my writting? :D

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^^Bishaaro, yac :D .


Not much. You've, good Stoic, picked Castro's gramar of using 'th' :D instead of 'd', thats all. you are with parity with all of us now. [edit] drop that 'th', unless Castro insists on it :D .

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^ Walee LSK tolku waa inay xaal iigaa doonaan. Waana runtaaye, Xiinow, Bishaaro la'aanteed waa habaar. :D


I think what's addictive is the longing to be around those who share much with us. After spending the whole day in corporate America, it is a refuge to come home to. SOL is in our souls.

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Bisharo, waxaan kaa codsanayaa inat isodoweyso.Waliga hafogeyn kofkaga! Waxaana kugu wargelinaya inaan afsomaliga kabathin towno mardow walaley :D


PS Xiin, thanks i will try to change :D

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^ Don't be terrorised by Bishaaro, good Stoic. Keep doing what you're doing and you'll get it right. Af-Somali is tough but practice makes perfect and there's no better place to do it than here.


Though I admit there's no 'th' in our alphabet, how else could we write atheer? If it sounds like a 'th', walks like a 'th' then it's a 'th', atheerayaal. :D

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^^^ :D

Stoic, Bishaaro waa kaftanley saaxiib. Keep at it(practicing that is), and in no time you gonna be on top of it.


It is addictive indeed. Before, I used to post only when I am @ work. Since my company started to reimburse our high-speed connections at home, waaba ikan oo waa haddii layga celiyaba :D . Bal adigu si yeel. Waagii hore I would have to go to a coffee shop to serve, not any more. War wuxu waa sixir :D .

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^ Do you think something like this forum could ever make a difference in that wretched land we call home? I can see the educational and entertainment value but is that all there is to it? Can we not exert some form of influence on how things are shaped? What else could gather this many people, across many countries but SOL? There must be a way to leverage this thing.

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