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MARC SMITH*** A Tribeless Nation: The Future of Somalia**** VIDEO EXCLUSIVE

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Marc Smith Presents: A Tribeless Nation: The Future of Somalia



Somalia has for a long time been besieged by tribal warfare fused with a tribalistic political system. This video advocates that we should move beyond this tribal mentality and instead make the transition towards democracy and a political system.


This video is dedicated to Cara!

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The Marc, tribe and somalida go hand in hand. It is what aids is to South africa, it can never be eliminated. It is infact something that will continue to be infectious all around.

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Tribe has both advantages and disadvantages. Though Marc Smith and many others underestimate Egypt, Eritrea and Saudi Arabia's interest and intervention in Somalia by heavily funding with millions and millions of $$ to armed factions allied on the basis of interest in Somalia, our nomadic society have still managed to survive through the network of clan and therefore remained resilient to the surprise of others. We have also kept our family values and cultural beliefs unadulterated. Some say we are much better than when we had a government.



Marc Smith should change his name into Somali and must use Somali as his main channel of communication.

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^ This is exactly what Marc is talking about.


He gave a list of warlords M. dheere , suudi, Qanyare, Morgan, A/Y.


I assure you there are some SOLers that are related or share the same qabiil as these warlords

but who gets offended only you for none other than the worst of them A/Y if that is not blatant

Qabyalad I dont know what is.


There could be absolutely no possible reason for supporting A/Y other than qabil you even attempt

to turn us away from Ethiopia by giving us a list of all the Muslim countries .. are these our enemies now [Confused]


- Egypt


-Saudi Arabia


you missed a few let me complete if for you



-Norht korea



you completely ignore the Ethiopians who are actively murdering, raping, pillaging our country

and you give us this list yet you cannot produce a single shred of evidence of their influence in Somalia.


I know arab bashing is the new fad but Saudi arabia has done alot more for somalia then your beloved U.S aid agencies ever could who only

offer aid with strings attached


muslims governments such as SA,U.A.E,Kuwait,sudan,pakistan,yemen,malaysia build orphaneges schools,Mosques

give our students scholarships with no strings attached but unfortunately you cannot see that.


you are what Marc is talking about a perfect case study in how far Qabyalad will take you.


as to the topic........ the generation that grew up during the civil war late 80's and early 90's are a lost cause im not saying that we are all bad but the pool is tainted as we can see above.


but for the younger people born later ... who have not been indoctrinated yet .. those are the ones we should focus on.

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