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Johnny B


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Is this program that was aired in MBC ??


These days i see lots of people here complaining they didn't sleep and when i ask why then simply tell me they watch NUUR ....... i was like, what da heck ? ,,,, :D

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I wouldn't believe articles at face value but the Suadi clerics have condemned the soap. What I don't get is just how different is it to the many other soaps depicting death, greed, deception etc etc.

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Johnny B   

^I wish i could answer you.


"Tatlitug has proved such a hit with female viewers that Arab television media outlets have carried reports of that a number of jealous husbands have filed for divorce from their wives.


Fatwa or not, "Noor-mania" is running riot.


From the souks of Tunis to the markets of Occupied East Jerusalem, T-shirts bearing pictures of the glamourous Mohannad and Noor are selling like hotcakes.


In the Israeli-occupied West Bank town of Nablus, several coffee shops have been renamed Noor and Mohannad in tribute to the soap's two lovebirds - who in the original Turkish show are called Gumus and Mehmet respectively.


"I sell more than 500 photos of the stars of 'Noor' each day, particularly ones of Mohannad. The girls are mad about him," said Hussein, a vendor near Syria's Damascus University."



JB... the hargeisa market is all yours. dee iibi granada. ;)




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Norf, here is your typical Arab musalsal (like this one being shown during ramadan):




And here is the Noor musalsal (note the difference between the two stars of both shows?). :D


Still, I know who I'd choose in a fight.




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Ngonge, Waxan dadka ka daa waa Ramadaane. Just because you don't fast doesn't mean you have to corrput others as well.


Speaking of musalsal, it is being used as a compensation for missed love by somali women back home.One entered a room where I was watching a mexican series (accidentally), and the lady's first question was "Kolkay is dhunkanayeen may i dhaafaty?" with such disappointment you would think she was the one that missed the kiss.

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Can't deny it. He is hansome and she's beautiful. But the show is proper crap, nothing can beat a good Masri or Syrian musalsal. Lately there has been some awful ones.


I don't know how people watch it. Rather watch Bab Al Hara 3 or even bioseries Ismahan.


Ps. Hend Sabri is beyond beautiful, she's dressed for her character in that poster; a servant. Its a pretty good show.

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^^ Hold your horses. I was only talking about the male stars (they're the ones causing divorces). Heh.


Hend Sabri is pretty in a peculiar way. Motherly face.



War stop spreading rumours. :D

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Trying to think of good looking musalsal actors...there has to be some.


Only Mutaz from Bab Al Hara comes to mind, only if they did photoshoots! Nothing on Google image.

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