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Question for Osman oz

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Waalagu salaamay ninyahow. Salaan kadib, waxaan rabay in aan ku weydiiyo "imisaad jirtaa"? Sida aad wax u qortid ayaan layaabay, oo waxaad u maleysaa in aad tahay nin aqli badan leh. Noosheeg inta aad jirtid nin yahow... ;)

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I could, but I am sure this is easier for him than everyone asking him induvidually in private. I am asking on behalf of three 3 people. smile.gif

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niin yaaban the most innovative ppl in somalis are in the north-east from the time of pharoahs till today..


For example when southerners tahrib and use bossaso is our innovative way to make business out of such ppl...when our fisher-man lose their jobs they don't go and tahrib but take revenge on the ships who make them lose their jobs and make millions of dollars out of it.


Now u want find this innovation among other somalis...hargeisa, and hamar are just slave mentality ppl...they only know what the colonizer teach them..wax kale kuma arkeysid..

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niin yaaban i am in the house of north-east...iyo wax kale ka soo horjeesan puntland karbash baan ku wadeya..they will learn never to disrespect our land..

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Osman, I think, just got out of an intensive reer tolka orientation, and he wants to set the records straight. :D

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I would like to remind you a hadeeth saheeh in which our noble prophet p.b.u.h said...."No one will enter Paradise who has an atom's weight of pride in his heart"...Subahana-Al lah


marka walaal think carefully next time you want to school us and brag about the 'greatness' of your ancestors whom only allah s.w knows meesha ay ku sugan yihiin ama siduu xaalkoodu yahay marka fadlan xishoo oo dadka walaalaha ee aad ku xad gudbeysana jooji and above all RESPECT's not funny anymore.



Salam Aleikum W.W



Peace, Love & Unity.

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