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Land Cruiser Gado-xasuus

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Nuune, heestaa ka hadleysid tan baroon baa ka qeybgalay ee ku heeseyso miyaa, oo rasaasta dhawaaqa baroonka dhaceyso laga maqlaayo? Taas ee u qaadeyso after the infamous dhacdo ka dhacday Istaadiyuum Muqdisho, after baroomada soo galeen garoonkaas?

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MMA, yes sxb, that is the one,


Found the Manii La Yaabo Yaasinka song, but it is not Saado singing, it is the Abwaan Muxumed Mumin himself smile.gif

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Abuu nuune, abuu shaxshax, threadkaaga waxaan umaleeyey inaad dadka weydiineysey how many of us had a land cruiser, I was getting ready to remember our entire list of family vehicles, make and year etc.


I didn't even know such a song existed. I do however know that my daddy owned Toyota land cruiser oo kala jiidan courtesy of the old regime.


waxbarashadii bilaashka ahayd iyo caano boorihii qaarkiin la siin jirey baa idinkaga daray.

lol@caano boorihii, now I know my hooyo fed me caano booro, not that I was a fan of it, like the other children.

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