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The SOL Af-Somali Battle

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How can this be a competition without STOIC??


Stoic, here is your story ;)


Baggio's Story


I would like to be a philosopher.


Well, anyone who has said the word 'Why' can argue that he is a philosopher, so I want to be more than that. I want to be remembered as a philosopher.


One day soon I will be dead. People will look back at my life, and they might say I was a martial artist; for I have earned a seventh dan black belt (in both karate and judo). They might say I was a musician; for I have composed successful operas (in three different languages). They might say I was a footballer; for I used to represent Italy (and scored twenty-seven goals for my country during my career).


But above all, they will say, he was a great philosopher.


The difference between a hobby and greatness is total immersion, to the sacrifice of all else. I must devote my entire life to this pursuit; I must give up absolutely everything for this cause.


I assumed that giving up my material wealth would be the easiest part of this quest, but it is proving not to be straightforward.


Yesterday, I hired a removal van and packed it with all of my possessions, leaving my house utterly bare. I drove out to the public common and unpacked the van there, laying every item out upon the grass.


I labelled my bank cards with the relevant pin numbers. I labelled my bicycle lock with its code. I labelled my house keys with their address, and my car keys with instructions to find the car. I abandoned the rented van, for liabilities are also proprietary.


Finally, I stripped the clothes off my back and folded them into a neat pile. And I walked away.


It was late by then, and cold. I decided to forestall the next part of my mission until the morning. So I wandered the streets, looking for a warm place to sleep for a few hours.


No haven was forthcoming. The few warm corners I did find were barred to me by people that I suppose took issue with my nakedness.


I ended up walking aimlessly all night, to keep from freezing. As the sun rose and the pre-dawn chill passed, I found myself approaching the common again - my subconscious mind had guided me in a large circle back to where I started. The soft, dewy grass soothed my aching feet.

p.s. I do not recall registering for the competition North, but if you insist I embarrass you all.. sure!! icon_razz.gif


p.s.s Can Rahima, get a story too?

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Originally posted by STOIC:

Mudanayaasha iyo Marwoyinka maar haataat ansixisaan inaan afsomali anangaraneyn miyeynaan kuhaboneen inlaibaro afka.Tartanka halka laguhayo wamit xeerka waxbaraashathaa kasohorjetha.Sheeko baatmesha kuheysaan...Waar bal taanokaalay yaarkaay?


waaxaan iskubiraya koox ka kooban Mucaaradkaa kasohorjethaa aflagateyntaa.Sidaa darteedna waxaan u soo jeediyeen in wax laislakaabto.

Waxaa kale oo aan JB kuleyhaay afkaa taatka kamaxiikttit ninyahoow

haahahhaahaa bisinka iyo burdaha waxaan afsomali laga dhahaa hadi kale is ka dhaaf


PS.cynical Lady ..mahilmaamteen iyo malika?

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^LOL,Maya namalahilmaamin hedee,anaguu waxaan kujirnaa kooxda nuune,xiin,Abtigiis iyo wixii kalee afsomaliga[qoritanka uun] kuficaan.... :cool:

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northerner's story


I know that you want to be more successful with women. Every guy does. But what do most guys do about it?




They sit back and take whatever they can get—which is usually nothing. Sure, once in awhile most guys have a little luck and meet a girl that will go out with them. But this usually doesn't happen very often.


And just about every guy I've ever talked to would like to have more skills and success when it comes to women. But here's the interesting part: Most guys won't go out and learn how to be successful with women. They just won't do it.


It's as if they had someone say to them when they were young: "You're a loser if you have to learn how to meet women" or "If you're not just acting natural and being yourself then there's something wrong with you."


Well I'm here to tell you that these ideas are B.S.!


You weren't born knowing other skills like how to walk, how to speak English, or how to drive a car. These are basic skills that you LEARNED when you needed them. Success with women is just another skill, and any man can learn it if he wants to.


One night a few years ago, I got sick and tired of not knowing how to meet women. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I couldn't stand the idea that I was going to spend the rest of my life not knowing how to date the kind of women that I wanted.



I went on a personal mission, and spent years reading and studying all of the books, tapes, and seminars on how to be successful with women and relationships. But the frustrating part was that most of what I learned was WRONG—most of it simply didn't work when I tried it!


Have you ever looked at some of the 'relationship' books like “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus?” Those books would be great—EXCEPT THAT THEY DON'T TELL YOU HOW TO MEET WOMEN!


All most books talk about is what to do after you're already dating a woman. They don't tell you ANYTHING about how to meet and attract women. These books only work if you've already got a girlfriend - they do almost nothing to teach you HOW TO GET ONE IN THE FIRST PLACE! And the books that do teach you how to meet women are mostly old, outdated, or just plain bizarre.


Even worse, there are books out there like "The Rules" that teach women exactly how to manipulate men in order to get them to buy women expensive gifts and marry them by playing mind games.


The sad truth is that most men give up and never have the kind of success that they want with women—they give up and settle for a woman that isn't what they REALLY want—or worse—they settle for no women at all.

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Originally posted by cynical lady:

"The one on the right is yummy."




What do you know about admiring natural beauty, you peasant?


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This is for Cadaan:


Good morning, how are you ?


I woke up this morning happy, fresh and hungry. I rushed to the kitchen to make a quick breakfast then headed to work.

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I thought I could do this with confident air, but the more I read it the more it is impossible for me to translate. It has some technical terms that I don’t even know how to say in spoken words. And I do not trust myself to reply without making a fool out of myself……........

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