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When is Ramadan?

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^^waar u shaqayso ajarka. no more simply waking up and having a meal and calling it fasting (reer shamaal know now :D )

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Originally posted by me:

Hey guys, when is radadan this year?

Most of us thought you are asking about Ramadan ,,, but what da hell is radadan ?? :D

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Ramadhan in Africa/Kenya , somewhere in south'c mosque hmmm I like it.

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^Its only fair.Alhamdulilah ,this ramadan we don't have to fast in 40 degree cel and above heat and the hours should be less.

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Lessen stress on children - parents

By Siham Al Najami, Staff Reporter

Published: July 29, 2008, 00:05



Dubai: The start of the academic year will commence with Ramadan and the Ministry of Education may consider delaying the operation of schools in the UAE, Gulf News learnt.


Most parents in the UAE advocate postponing the academic year after the month of Ramadan saying that fasting during the hot weather could be "extremely" stressful for pupils and the UAE should follow Kuwait and Saudi Arabia as both start their academic year after Ramadan.


Kuwaiti newspaper, Al Watan, earlier reported that the beginning of the fall 2008 school semester has been officially postponed until after Ramadan. "The Cabinet's approval of the decision followed an appeal from the head of the Kuwaiti Teacher's Society." The Cabinet's decision means that the new school term will begin at the start of October.









The ministry of education's website in Saudi Arabia has already declared that their academic year will start on October 11 until July 8.


Ramadan is expected to start on September 1.


The public and private schools that follow the Ministry of Education curriculum will open on August 31, in line with the directions of the Ministry of Education.


However, other curricula schools will operate according to their homeland system, within a margin of two weeks of August 31, said Taha Al Hamri, Director of Administrative Services Unit in the Knowledge and Human Development Authority.


"Ramadan is a period for family gatherings, praying, mediating, and self-reflection. I hope my children will have some time off school as during Ramadan they are overwhelmed with studies and homework," said Palestinian national Khalid Karim.


For Emirati national Mohammad Khalifa, postponing would be better for pupils as teachers always try to finish the required material for the semester as fast as possible since classes are shorter in Ramadan.


Energy levels


"Students are not as fresh and energetic in the morning during Ramadan, which is a sad thing because it defeats the whole purpose behind the holy month," he said.


For principals in public schools, postponing the academic year till after Ramadan would be a dream come true as the beginning of any year is tiring for the administrative and teaching staff.


"I deal with kindergarten pupils who are normally very active thus they require a lot of care and attention. I tend to be less active during the month of Ramadan since it is common for people to stay up late praying and reading the Quran," said Mariam Al Muhairi, teacher at Al Rabe'a kindergarten.


However, for private schools they see this occasion as a time to celebrate the month of Ramadan and an opportunity to learn about Islamic culture. They don't perceive it as affecting students' performance.


"Ramadan is not a month for people to relax and to sleep all day while watching TV all night. Pupils should not lose their energy during this month - on the contrary they should be more active as it is a month to strive for the best in everything. Studying is also a form of worship. Although some of our parents requested to postpone the academic year, I disagree with the decision and we are still following the schedule outlined by the education ministry," said Nihad Al Shamsi, Principal of Al Ittihad Private School.


Hot and humid


It will be hot, humid and still uncomfortable when Ramadan starts in the first week of September, according to the Dubai Met office.


The average mean maximum temperature will be 35.9C.


"That's pretty hot," said Clive Stevens, duty forecaster.


"If we are lucky we will get enjoyable weather in the last week of September," he said. In October, the average will be a pleasant 35C.


The extreme mean average recorded in September was 44.9C.


"It's still possible we may go that high," he said. The average mean humidity will be around 80 per cent. Humidity needs to be less than 50 per cent to be comfortable.


Religious rite


Ramadan is a Muslim religious observance that takes place during the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, believed to be the month in which the Quran began to be revealed.


It is considered the most venerated and blessed month of the Islamic year. Prayers, sawm [fasting], charity, and self-accountability are especially stressed at this time; religious observances associated with Ramadan are kept throughout the month.


Laylat Al Qadr, which falls during the last third, commemorates the revelation of the first verses of the Quran and is considered the most holy night of the year. Ramadan ends with the holiday Eid Al Fitr. In Ramadan, Muslims around the world get up before dawn to eat the suhoor meal [pre dawn meal] and perform their fajr [dawn] prayer. They break their fast when the fourth prayer of the day, Maghrib [sunset], is due.


Do you think the summer vacation should be extended to include the month of Ramadan? Or will it take a heavy toll on the pupils ' studies? What are your views on the issue? Tell us at
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Shabcaan starts next week, The Prophet (saw) recommended fasting in Shabcaan and it gears you up for Ramadaan too, so make the most of it. Insha Allah.

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