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Best chat up lines

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Originally posted by Ducoqabe:


Conversation between two potential "lovers"!


.......... snip ...............


Brother: I don't know you and
I guess you're not the most beautiful nor the most intelligent however considering that I am also not the most attractive nor intelligent person
however we would make a good match is up to us to find out.

Some ugly and stubidh kids to look forward to, ain't it?


Horny mongrel. :rolleyes:

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The Killer Line in Mudug: Ina adeereey maxaad ka qabtaa hadaan is waxeeno siaan weesada isugu dhowrsano aniga iyo adigaa illeyn dad isugu xiga waad ogtehee ilaahbaan kugu dhaarshaye? :D


in Mogadishu: Him: "meel walba waan tagay laakiin wallaahi mid adoo kale weli ma arag nooh"

Her: Xamar oo dhan masoo wada aragtay gabdha joogo?

Him: haa abaayo sagaal isbaaro aan leeyahay nooh welina mid adiga kuu dhiganto ma arkin.

Her: Ok aboowe habeen danbe makiinada cajiinta horteeda igu sug....Eeeeewww!


Peace,Love & Unity.

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First thanks to all the guys and sisters, who have some how commented about my pilot project to be tested soon to a mosque near you. Brace yourself levie, Amelia and the rest of you women folks.


Tan kale I want just to reply to an "ugly ciyaala suuq" in here, I don't have much words for him but I say this "Get out of my way and don't direct your ugly face towards me, I hope you got the message", thanks duco!


Next Levie and Zafir, Walaalayaal this is a pilot project to be tested soon, not by me but by other folks. Levie, I know exactly what you mean, those "foreign" guys and somalis straight from the "bush", act like that way and it's an observation that I was given by sisters and nothing that I would ever try even to do because I don't have the need, so I suppose it was a minor misunderstanding!


Next Amelia, sister there is thin line/difference between me (ducoqabe) and the other ducoqabe (spelled ducaqabe)in that case. You see Sol has put a mechanism in place, where you can't nick other peoples nicks, I hope you got that.


The other thing, I know it is quite worrying to see a proposal at the first meeting like it is equally worrying to see the guy you date the first time trying to "hold" your hand after the first date, what will be next?


But equally sister if you are not after marriage, what is it that you after exactly? A romance, absolutely not!




May I give a little insight into myself. First of all, I never experienced "love" (you know what kinda love, I mean) nor was I ever attracted to a girl to my two decades of existence on this planet!


On the other hand, I wouldn't never dare to "speak" to a sister even if she would approach me. One more thing, I believe that I was bestowed with something called self-control and al-xamdulillaah, I don't get off to "womanize" or to impress women folk, in fact I like to ran away from them because if you "limit" the chances also the risk diminshes.


I never shaked hands with a women nor did I ever kiss a girl, even my relatives are embarrassed when they try to introduce me to a girl or women and she tries to "shake" hands with me, I just ignore them and they think it's damn rude.


Even potential employers, I never shake hands with them and even some of them, I have contact with if they try to hug or embrace me and ran towards me, I always switch to reverse gear to escape the onslaught!


Thanks alot ducoqabe!

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^ maybe i should start thanking myself in my next posts :confused:


:D I wonder what castro's pick up line was?


Where is the married fellas? Maybe they can drop some of their tested lines in here.....


So far i can see no smooth operators in here...


Besides me of course :cool:


Thanks Digaale!

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Check this math; Me plus you, lets say minus your clothes and have you divide your legs so we can multiply. :D

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First set up a "bogus" question and make sure to put a reward for it, preferably a candy!


Then next, when you get a reply to your "bogus" question get your net out and best chat up line something according this:


"Well done for answering the question right, hmm in order for me to send you the candy, I need your contact details like name, telephone number and address" so forth etc!


Classic, well done duco!

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^ something tells me your tactics are cynical.


I thought we were going for best chatups, if we want to go for simple- this will do


"I laayk u'foor my haarti i teek u'biliis tel mi yu goo now' (there is nothing better than to use broken english..yu can deny later :D )


some even say "stop it you know that is ...seeksi'aw"

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Maf Kees   

So far i can see no smooth operators in here...

Besides me of course

War kan siduu iswaalwaalaya arag. So were talking serious now marka? This is turning into a competition.


You want to see a smooth operator in action? All you need to do is whisper in her ear:


By your side: To love you and to cherish you and be with you all my life.

And for all times: To protect you and respect you and to spoil you like a job from 9 to 5.

And all night: To couress you and to kiss you and to hold you very tight.


No woman is immune to this. It's impossible! :cool:

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Digaale, to be serious you have a point and I thank you for reminding me of my "poor" English skills.


I need to start some sort of "english" classes because clearly my self-tution didn't pay off to what I assigned for.


The problem is that most classes for english are overbooked in this country, especially considering that I have to start at an low level preferably elementary key-stage 1 level.


I need help to polish up and add to my vocubarily I aquired ten years ago, but I don't want to read books to aquire new words because simply I am to lazy and their isn't anyone, who can teach me because they get fed up with me because I seem to "know" everything and on top of that I embarass them by outlining their mistakes, which they don't like, that's why I was dismissed from so many "english classes" in the past!


But anyway I am hoping to start a "school" soon inshallaah. This "school" will focus in rehabiliating those people like me in other words "tutors", who teach(ed) themselves at home the fundumentals of this not so great language called English!


Thanks for the reminder and "book" and dictionary donations are most welcome, actually please keep your dirty and desease ridden books and dictionaries because i'll get a brandnew one from cambridge and oxford inshallaah, so don't worry about me, one day I'll master English inshallaah!

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^ what is with this guy and english :rolleyes:


kix kix kix :D waryaa danyeerow, you think you can compete- warm the benches kid and let me show u how it is done


Instead of whispering that garbage- BREAK IT DOWN LIKE THIS....


I dhegeyso galaciso


Dadku kala ayaan roon

Ama kala aqoon dheer

Ama kala asluub weyn

Haddaan eed la doonayn

Ama deeq Ilaahay

Asaraar ka taagnayn

Dadku eexo kaa gelin

Inan yahay la'aantaa

Dumar lama abuureen

Gabadh lama ammaaneen

Jacayl looma ooyeen


*by this time she be blushing- time to go for the home run! :D


Gacalooy jacaylkaagu

Soo dhaafyey uurkoo

Afku haysan waayoo

Goortaan ogaadee

Arammidu dillaacdaan

Ooddii ka leexshee

Axdi jaba abaal luma

Kaa eegi maayee

Igadh iyo maqaarkeed

Innagoo ahaannaan

Hadalkii ku ururshee

Adiguna dheh aammiin


* she say amin' and you walk away 'ATOORE STYLE

(u know with the kuleeti up' sidii daraamandar)

kix kix kix :D


edeb daro intey ku dhamaatay.

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Maf Kees   

* she say amin' and you walk away 'ATOORE STYLE

(u know with the kuleeti up' sidii daraamandar)

kix kix kix

Hahahahaha. :D


Ninyahow, you are talking now to a Farah who admits his defeat. I salute to you man, that was brutal.


How can I learn this technique?

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^ reer magaal waaxid


this technique waxaa laga soo dhaxlay xirsi digaale nooh! Passed on generation after generation.


Xamar weyne dhan waa liga yaqaana see waaye camaleeti go ahead man weydii jaamac kuleeti mataqaana'! garoob walba loof istoorigayga ku suuxsantahay nooh


1986 V.I.P aan galay afweynaa xataa i soo dalbaday nooh' cajiib. filimadaan geedka jecyelka ka dhigay baaris aa la geeyay maa tiraahdaa :D kix kix kix.


laakiin gabdhaha maanta joogo wexey rabaan

Baby iyo swiity, wixii dhan ciyaal ciyaal nac nac lugu sasabanaayo ey noqotay.


I bet you nac nac u soo gad' hoo dheh jukulaatadan wee kugu soo boodee, My vaaalantine!"



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*In the words and voice of Napoleon Dynamite*


You guys are retarded! Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills.

You know, like nunchuck skills, bowhunting skills, computer hacking skills...




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Amelia: Alla Ya cizak! Walaal jiraa tahay ina-atheer. Guuleyso guuleed dhal. Shukran walaal for defending my good name.


LaVie: Don’t let the bogus one confuse you with the real Ducaqabe. The profiles should speak for themselves. Alxamdulilaah, the real one is out of the annoying shukaansi chattline games.


Sayyid: You managed to drag my good name in the mud. Marnaba ma moodeyn in magac la’aani dhici doonto Sayid Qutbina aan wadiiqo wada qaadi doono. Maandhoow bisinika qabso bililiqada beer xanuun bey bilow u tahay. Bal lamadaanyada aan ka gaaree docda ii sii dey daalacna kuu raacan mayee ducaan diyaar la ahay.

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"You managed to drag my good name into mud" kulaha, waryaa I am the real ducoqabe, I can't see what the fuss is all about!


You on the other hand is ducaqabe, ma sidaado kale camal baad mooriyaan i mooday?


Adeer anigu waxna ma bililiqaysto ha ii gefin lee, ma ifahmtay yaa ducaqabe!


Thanks to the real duco!

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