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hegbad/ayuuto: i hate handling other people's money

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Originally posted by Valenteenah:

Humble, I'm no longer westernised. I'm fully Eastern now.


I will when you bring back Jamaal.

Lol. Consider it done then. Jamaal it should be, Miss Barwaaqo.

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Ngonge, i just highlighted dhibatada ey leedahay hagbad.


waxkasta have pros and cons and of course one is entitled to voice concern or indeed extreme dislike to ayuuto/hagbad


ps: no one is bigger supporter of anything women or traditional somali than moi.


val, westernizedka dhuuxa kaga jiraa no amount of affiliation to the east matirtirayaan.


humble ladigri odayga, indeed gaastariiga uma fiicna xanaqa badan

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Ms DD   

Ayuuto helped me many times. Bought my first car with my ayuuto. Went to Umra with my ayuuto. Long live ayuuto I say..


As Juxa said..everyone is entitled to their opinion and whatever works for them.


PS. I am neither traditional nor western. I have an identity crises icon_razz.gif

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Originally posted by humble.:

Lol. Consider it done then. Jamaal it should be, Miss Barwaaqo.

My word is my bond.



Juxa, waxaad leedahay kama baxsankaro western label-ga? :(

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Originally posted by BARWAAQO:

quote:Originally posted by humble.:

Lol. Consider it done then. Jamaal it should be, Miss Barwaaqo.

My word is my bond.



' month, I promise'

said Barwaqo after postponing paying her share in the hagbad for the third month in a row.



All caps is ugly, woman.

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Isn't the topic about greed and handling other people's money?


It is a musuuliya/responsibi lity and it shouldn't be taken lightly. You can easily misuse those funds, so be very careful.


As for the idea of the hegbad, it can become very addictive for soome people.


I know that it is a great way to save up for a wedding, school, hajj or a house.


The somali community can only do those, as long as they live in government assisted homes. Otherwise, it will make it very difficult for a single-mother filled somali community, to continue with hegbads.

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oh yes i forgot to add, hagbad is best way to also stay under the radar. i mean if you have savings of over £6000 it will affect your CEYDH


bal maan hagbada iska dhaafo, anigaaba layaaban dulmigeyga. yes Ms DD to each their own


cafis bal

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You have a good point dear. I have witnessed such dulmi where the neighbor lady comes to the house complaining about how broke she is yet she puts aside $1000 per month for ayuuto.

Personally I dont see the "saving" people are talking about. I'm horrible at saving or even budgeting, so my dear mother(bless heart) got tired of my broke azz and told me to bring $300 a month to her the 1st of every month. Then, a couple of months later, she told me that I now have $2500. I got excited :D and was like oh this is the best system. Then I put the money in the bank. But, but I have been paying money to people ever since. There must've been like dozen of people and it is the never ending payment plan :mad: either that or my mom is upto something. I mean, it doesnt make sense. When they give you the money, it is like borrowing money and you pay it all back :confused: ?

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War meesha maxaa ka dhacay?


Horta gabadhan ee yiraahdaan Juxa, xaa tiri? Women with children should be banned from participating!!! Maxaa dhacayna aa hagbada noogu diidee?


Most women enter/start hagbad to better their lives, which includes that of their children, whether it is buy a better car, pay off a debt, start a business, or for whatever other reason...The children may not benefit from the hagbad directly (heck mexey kumaan kun ku sameynaayaan), but trust abaayo, they do...I have yet to see hooyo hagbad ugasho ineey the latest dirac gadato ama cilaan ku marsato lagactaas... icon_razz.gif It is always for something improtant/meaningful /useful in her life, and what ever makes her life that much easier caruurtana wax wey ka dheefaan...


Ducaqabe, I once read that 'To generalize is to be an !diot'...I am, in no shape or form, saying that you're one, I am just saying lee...Do you not know that those women you refer to as 'westernised women' were raised by the same 'Somali tradtional women' aad faanineyso? Walaalo, westernised or not, we are the once who hold down the house hadii runta la'isku sheego...Educated or otherwise, behind every good child and/or man (which are very hard to see lately) stands a very strong Somali woman...Also, behind every poor excuse of a man, still stands a very strong Somali woman, be it inee caruurtiisa uusan waxba ka ogeyn kaligeed koriso sida inuu isaga dhintay, or wuxuu isaga cunilaahaa iyo sida lagu keenilahaaba ey iyada ka fikirto, or guriga siduu ukala socdo...Marka hooyooyinka, ama westernised aan ahaano, ama traditional aan ahaano, waxaan nahay kuwa aduuka idiin kala wada...Ee aflagaadada hala kala yareeyo... ;)

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I live off hagbads, its how I saved for my car and other big ticket items.

I think the problem stems from when people bite of more then they can chew.

I personally don't understand some families (with a house over flowing with children) go in to huge hagbads, then go and buy houses in Africa when they have no intention of living there. All the while their own family live in a cramped 2 bedroom house, own a car that breaks down every 2nd day and their kids are stealing other childrens lunch due to hunger!


I think it serves some good, but that its just not for everone.

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Originally posted by Juxa:

hagbada works to the detriment of the children.


lacagtaas waa lacag laga cunaqabtay caruurta, remember dowlada gives the money for the kids
, so they can stand up to their peers and have hobbies.


i doubt iney jiraan qof aan arkin
guryaha qaarkood nolol xumada ka jirta
courtesy to

Ayuutada has its pros and its cons. ilmaha oo la cuna qabateeyana, wa atan ugu xun ee ka imaan karto.

tan ila dhageesta

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Kola ceebtiin ma qarsomayso waayo maryooley baad tihiine lakiin waxaa haboonan lahyd in aad afkiina ku shakaysatan marka aad arimaha xasaasiga ah sida kuwaan oo kale aad kawada hadlaysan.


Waa iga talo..

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