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Who is speaking about typos? :D


It's the grammar, poor really.


Originally by Adam: 'war uus warya, af weyn igu tageyn, maxaa ii maleysaa?, ani dhiig-karkar ma rabtiit igu bilawto, markas iska amuus ya lagu garaciin.'

War/Waryaa hus baan ku iri. Afka ha igu taaginee, yaad i mooday? Ma Dhiigu inuu igu kaco ayaad rabtaa/dooni, iska aamus afeef hore lahaw... ama adkaysi dambe.. yaan lagu garaacine markaa (the last word though superfluous I add it as a regional demeanor.) :D


Yours was very poor grammar, use of language and I could also detect some mixed up dialect. :D All in all not very good at all.

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Originally posted by AwMuuse Ismaciil:

Who is speaking about typos?


It's the grammar, poor really.



Originally by Adam: 'war uus warya, af weyn igu tageyn, maxaa ii maleysaa?, ani dhiig-karkar ma rabtiit igu bilawto, markas iska amuus ya lagu garaciin.'

baan ku iri.
Afka ha igu taaginee
i mooday? Ma Dhiigu inuu igu kaco ayaad rabtaa/dooni, iska aamus
afeef hore lahaw
ama adkaysi dambe
yaan lagu garaacine
(the last word though superfluous I add it as a regional demeanor.)


Yours was very poor grammar, use of language and I could also detect some mixed up dialect.
All in all not very good at all.
LOL i knew you would come back with trivial changes which are highly irrelevant to the context of my reply to Mr Jerk. There is nothing wrong with the structure of my sentences, god knows why you changed ''maxaad ii maleeysa?'' into ''yaad ii mooday?'', as if the former is poor grammar and the latter is standardised Somali when we both know either one are correct, and considering the context of my reply which was ''rage'', yours actually doesn't convey my original intention the proper way, same with the rest of the unnecessary additions that i highlighted in your post.


This is just you being a ''smart alec''. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by AwMuuse Ismaciil:

Who is speaking about typos?


It's the grammar, poor really.


baan ku iri.
Afka ha igu taaginee
i mooday? Ma Dhiigu inuu igu kaco ayaad rabtaa/dooni, iska aamus afeef hore lahaw... ama adkaysi dambe.. yaan lagu garaacine
(the last word though superfluous I add it as a regional demeanor.)


…We cannot allow one to lead the congregation without a proper wuduu :D

hence correcting Aw Muse's correction



War/Waryaa hus baan ku iri. Afka ha igu taaginee, yaad i mooday? Ma Dhiigu inuu igu kaco ayaad rabtaa/dooni, iska aamus afeef hore lahaw... ama adkaysi dambe.. yaan lagu garaacine markaa (the last word though superfluous I add it as a regional demeanor.) :D



Adam ii daa kan aniga :D

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LMAO Xiin :D , poor Awemuuse, this is what you get for trying to correct someone's af Somaali while driving behind a wheel:


moments after reading Xiin's reply.

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helloooooooo folks this thread is not abt the somali grammar ....even thou clearly adam needs quite some help with somali..... so lets show some love to our dads.....

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war uus warya = it's hus waryaa (war and waryaa are the same)


uus in af soomaali - the contents in ones stomach :D


af weyn igu tageyn = afka ha igu taagin with long vowels 'aa'

taag afka = raise mouth

'tag' = to go


tageyn - is thus wrong which implies to go instead of raising


maxaa ii maleysaa - standard somali is 'yaad i mooday'


they are not both correct in proper af soomaali


ani dhiig-karkar ma rabtiit igu bilawto - Ma dhiig kar ayaad rabtaa inaad igu bilowdid (yours sounds like you are straight from xamar weyne or Marka in this instance which you're not :D )


markas iska amuus ya lagu garaciin - its yaan lagu garaacin


garaciin in afsoomaali = bas*tards :D


I'm a hard teacher, I know. :D But the rules have to be enforced you know how bitter they might seem to you. :D

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Lol sorry walaal If I hurt your feelings.


I will make up to you and open a new thread so I can teach you inta yar aan kugu dhaamo icon_razz.gif


xanifin and the rest of the guys who excel in somali can pitch in too...



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@Awemuuse, everybody here knows i'm still learning how to write the language, i have mocked myself in the past for this, so its silly for you to come here acting all wise, but however in your case the trashing that Xiinfaniin just gave you a few replies above, when he spotted several mistakes in your own damn post, is far more humiliating because your the one pretending to be a macaalin, when i never did, atleast not in afSomali :D


Aaliyah we are finished, i expected you to be my Bonnie as 'I Clyde' battled with self-proclaimed authorities like Awmuuse, but you stabbed me in the back.

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The beauty of the somali language is you can decide how to spell the words lol..mesha uu qadidba wa caadi wa lugu long as you are writing as you pronounce it people will get what you trying to least thats my view..


I personally taught myself somali at the age of 15...It is not hard Adam keep pracitcing, and dont worry what anyone else says.


Qofna kuma dhasho asago waxkasta yaqaan..waxkasta mar baa la bartaa..waxayna u baahantahay in aad dadaashid oo isku taxalujisid...



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Adam, Awe Muse lost it big time


he collapsed under his own weight. One cannot substitute us with hus in a conversation intended for a large wide audience. us is the standard, hus a regional dialect . :D that is what Aw Muse did.

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I know Xiin, the amount of green emoticons in his post is just a coverup to his car crash.


Aaliyah why are you still talking to me?, you stabbed me in the 'back', in my 'heart' and twisted the knife several times, now you bring me caano malab as if thats magically going to heal my wounds.

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Afka ha igu taagin'e yaad i mooday it was supposed to say!


Afka ha igu taagin ee yaad i mooday cannot be said because the ee symbolises pluralism whilst the i symbolises singularity so the correct version is:


'Afka ha igu taagin ee yaad na mooday' = That is if one uses the long vowel ee with the plural object pronoun of na but it was a genuine spelling mistake and it was supposed to read Afka... taagin'e[/b] yaad i mooday.


for example Afka.. taagin e yaad i...mooday is correct


whilst Afka...taagin ee yaad na....mooday is correct because the 'ee' and the 'na' emphasise pluralism and thus are correct whilst the short vowel 'e' and 'i' combined together symbolise singularity.

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