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Daddy's angel

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oooh I love my dad soooooo very much,am all teary. Take a moment and reflect on how much you love your dad....


I thank the lord who blessed me with the best of fathers....he was always there for me and I will always be there for dad is everything to me and more...



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But my daddy whooped my *** with a stick called kheyzaran when I was boy, so that song made me cry.


Just kidding, I'm not crying. I still love my old man though. Nice song anyways. Getting married soon Najwa? smile.gif



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my dad never touched me but his voice alone would creep u out n make you wish that he slapped or anything alhamdulilah am so grateful today.


and no am not getting married anytime soon...just showing ma love to my dad....


As for you saying your father used to whip you....well im sure he made you the man you are....and boys need to be whipped can find that in aaliya's "decipline book" lol




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Isn’t it strange how Somali mothers are extra hard on their daughters and dot on their son’s, while fathers tend to be opposite… (How I hated the alla wiilka excuse)

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When i was little, my father saw me and my sister touching the dog of a distant neighbour in this small Dutch tuulo, he grabbed me like a chicken and began washing me with my clothes on, while my sister got a gentle; xaayiwaankaas ha taabaniin Aabo macaan.


But my mother she was ruthless on my sisters lol.

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Adam there are already several thread about mothers...but you know we never mention how hard our fathers work...we are always complaining about those fathers who neglect their kids. SO what about those who work hard? we need to take the time to thank them, to make duca on their behalf.


ALhamdulilah though mothers work hard and we do love them too..but abayaasheenaya we should show them some loveee....



Cl lol I so relate to you not just my mom thou xita my ayeeyo..i cant ask my younger brother to make cup of tea even..its like gabadhihi aaway marka wiil wax karinayo..god bless my ayeeyo..I dont think its about preferance they just believe housework is your job..likewise im sure when it comes to going grocery shopping, picking up anything heavy..they would call the bois...its just how they are ..roll with it..and remember its out of loveee...they are just saying shaqadaada qabso LOL...ok I know how you feel I sometimes feel the same way..gaacmuu leeyahay shaah wuu karin karaa.. icon_razz.gif



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war uus warya, af weyn igu tageyn, maxaa ii maleysaa?, ani dhiig-karkar ma rabtiit igu bilawto, markas iska amuus ya lagu garaciin. :D

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war uus warya, af weyn igu tageyn, maxaa ii maleysaa?, ani dhiig-karkar ma rabtiit igu bilawto, markas iska amuus ya lagu garaciin.

You should be banned really for abusing our beautiful mother tongue and deforming it to the degree you did. :D

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Originally posted by Najwa:


oooh I love my dad soooooo very much,am all teary. Take a moment and reflect on how much you love your dad....


I thank the lord who blessed me with the best of fathers....he was always there for me and I will always be there for dad is everything to me and more...



Daddy is the king. When you think of him you think of the prince. Sign of love. :D


Salaams, Najwa!!

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