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What to do When i reach back home!

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OKAY people, I need some ideas. My whole family is moving back home this summer, with the exception of my brother who vowed to never move back... anyway I am trying to think of something to do when I get back home which does not require me to be there all the time (a business that runs it self really) as I will be doing some voluntary work 25hrs a week (teaching and helping out at a hospital). But I want my own source of income, so has anyone been back home recently? What do women do back home (I don't want to sale qaad, or being a jaraita) But I want to invest in something that will generate enough income. So what is the business Market like? What opportunities are available?


Some people were telling me to go into buying and selling (from China to Dubia and final home) Has anyone done this or know someone who did this? What are the advantages/ disadvantages?


p.s. We are moving to Hargisa.


Thanks in advance.

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Your entire family is moving to Somalia? really? wow...

sorry don't know much, but goodluck..i would just say if ur in hergaysa..dont bother with investing in clothing or grocery stores..I kept on hearing while i was there, that gas stations are a good thing..

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Yeah... they have been talking about moving back for the last 5years... it was starting to think i was never gonna happen! lol


Gas Stations.... Huh clueless. Cloths and grocery are bad idea, I was thinking furniture?

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Depends on what you mastered in your education ,,, for example if you are a doctor then you can have a huge income.


But if you really mean Business ,,,, Hmmmmmm ,,, i would ask you to put some shares into those communication companies ,,, they really generate a hell of huge income and it doesn't need you to work and/or follow up daily.


I've some crazy but excellent ideas of making business in Hargeisa since i'm from there ,,, i don't want to disclose this right now but if you really mean it ,,, then let's talk through the PMs ,,,,,,,,,,,


Hotels are good too ,,,,,,,,,,,,

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It is good to hear that you moving back, but before you move back,you must something in mind..


Anyway, many people who moved back became successfull,and some returned. There was a video ,sometime ago posted on here, which abt pple moving back, will try to search u for Insha allah.


Ideas? Opening...

a supermarket.

a moderm Cinema.

a private school.


I remember one girl, who was member here, went back to Hargaisa and opened Modern Bakery, and it was success.


China/Dubai/Africa thing is saturated,but still do-able, needs a lot of manpower and money.


whatever you do, wish you good luck.


Home sweet home.

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A bakery would be ideal...but that is also very expensive. What kind of qualifications do you have from your stay abroad, because that maybe of use in a future career in Somalia. I'm probably not the best person to reply because I don't know much about life back there. But I am passionate that one day (soon insha'allah) that I will be heading back and work in the health care and hospital scene insha'allah. Until then its wishful thinking and dream planning. The idea of little clothing stores is that there are plenty of them and Somali's are always doing the same thing as the shop next door to them. The key is you need a hook. Something that you know we need but don't have, or don't have much of is your safest bet if you ask me. You probably need to go there and have a feel of the place before you could really decide on anything, but take enough dough to start up the business once your there. Lakiin like I said I’m probably not the best person to take advice from lol.


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It all depends, How much capital do you have to invest?


However, if it's just you [and not the rest of the family] who wants to start a business, then I'll say start small and don't rush into it, make sure there is a need for your goods/service, focus on niche market capitalize that market.


If you're thinking of furniture utilize the skills within our country, there are plenty of small family owned Furniture makers. I am sure if you give them the design, materials and eqiupment they will do as good as job as those you might want import, plus it's cost effective smile.gif

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Damn you, are you telling me a sister has already opened one up a bakery there NOOooooo! Oh well I guess there is always room for competition .


LooL lets talk through PM kulaha...That sounds awfully like a pick up like walal.

But I am very curious to know more about investing in the telecommunications sector. Tell me more please. Always wanted to invest, lakiin I need something that's not too risky and not xaram at the end of the day.



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What is your field Ibtisam?


Furniture sounds good. Its pretty cheap from UAE and transportation is doable. Add your percentage then walla!

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Originally posted by Intuition:


Damn you, are you telling me a sister has already opened one up a bakery there NOOooooo! Oh well I guess there is always room for competition .


LooL lets talk through PM kulaha...That sounds awfully like a pick up like walal.

But I am very curious to know more about investing in the telecommunications sector. Tell me more please. Always wanted to invest, lakiin I need something that's not too risky and not xaram at the end of the day.



I didn't know you were so dirty minded like this ,,,, :D (jk)



Telecommunication is really booming but u need to come up with a new stuff ,,,, the best thing for the moment is to buy share from the existing companies but establishing a new one won't work.

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Intuition, You didnt see my post,lol,Yes,there is always room for competition. :D


I am a telecom Eng, have been offered jobs in Somalia,specially @ Garowe/Hargiasa/Mogadishu, turned dowm most of them,cuz of Security/$$$ reasons. icon_razz.gif


I am sure , Insha allah,I will go back one day!

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Hmm...In the mean time how can I generate money from that industry. Or do you believe it is still a little to unsafe to dwell in that area?

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