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“Haweenka hana hogaamiyaan”- Shariif Sh. Axmed

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Horta dumurku askar kuma aay haboona iyo in la gaardisiiya meelaha aay ku fiican yihiin (meelo badan) yaanan la dhaafsiin. Madaxweyne gabar soomaliyeed oo noqotaa I swear to God 1000 000 000 times ayeey ka fiican lahayd rag ku sheegaan maanta na hortaagan. I welcome Caasha


My top 5 ...anniga & xulkaygu waa kuwanaa:





  • Asha Ahmed Abdalla mp-asha-2-300x225.jpg









  • Asha Haaji Elmi 20081001205321203x152asha-elmi.jpg









  • Dr. Hawa Abdi Dhiblawe drshawa04.jpg









  • Edna Aden Ismail Edna-Adan.jpg









  • Asli Hassan Abade (the first and so far only female pilot in the Somali Air Force) 190px-Asli.jpg

Imagine this happen for anything left worth salvaging, I believe our women can unite us at this time and age.

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smile.gif I wouldn't mind any of them taking the leadership in Somalia. They have my vote for sure. Somali women are more nationalistic than qabiilistic when compared to Somali men. We think with our brains more than our muscles. :D ...Only if they are given a chance they can prove it... thank u ....

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Sheikha maxa helay, ma casiirkiibeey khamri ugu qariyeen talow.Duf ku bax.


Wallee inaan kalsoonida kaala noqon doono.


Naag ha ku xukunto miyuu yiri?



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Allamagan lovely list of very capable ladies


paragon so much contempt baa kujirta hadalkaa runtii lakin being a farax waa very expected!


fufu welcome back

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everything about women gives you headaches


this dinosour mentality must stop! maxaa keenay headache bal?

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

^^ In a war, if the bullets of the woman shooting at me run out, can I shoot her dead or is it ceeb?

Wa lagu sasaban lahaa :D


Woman: "Eedo, ma eedadaa baad dili"

Ngonge: "Eedo? How?"

Woman2: POW!

Ngonge: 'Thud'

Woman 1 and Woman 2: "Shukran khadiijay. Kani waabu iga naxay'e"

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