Che -Guevara

OLA Gaining Ground in Southern and Western Oromia

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It doesnt look good, but mark my words. Gaalada will probably send a former american president and force them to the negotiating table just as 1991. The difference this time is the gaalada might not be interested in the unity of Ethiopia. The TPLF-OLA alliance of of need will press for all regions to free and fair elections if they wish to remain in the fedeal republic of Ethiopia or leave. Tigray will leave and will make sure that the afar leave. Those left with the name Ethiopia will be Axmarta.

I hope Somalis and Abtigis are planning for this scenario. What they need now is ethnic nationalism. 

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The Oromo regional state government said on Monday that Oromo Liberation Front -Shane leader of the Southern Command surrendered to the government. 

He is identified as Golecha Degina, and he had been leading the military wing of the terrorist Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) for about 14 years in the southern part of the country. 

What was known so far was that the OLF military activity was not on Ethiopian soil until Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed took office in 2018. 

It was after his government invited all armed opposition groups to the country that OLF entered Ethiopia from its base in Eritrea. 

Golecha Degina, said a report by state media Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation, opted to struggle peacefully. 

The new military alliance between Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) and Oromo Liberation Front (OLF -Shane) is said to have contributed to his alleged decision to surrender and struggle peacefully. 

The Ethiopian Parliament designated OLF and TPLF as terrorist organizations in April 2021. OLF has been massacring innocent civilians in Wollega and Guji regions of Ethiopia. Thousands had been killed and hundreds of thousands of civilians had been displaced. 

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The OLA activities were mostly south west Oromia in Wallega. There were talks about some activities in Shawa which is close to the capital, but that threat has disapeared.

The new activity in Borana country side along Kenyan border in new and probably involved by foreign countries like Kenya. My hope is as the second round of the election concludes, a broad based government will be formed by Abiy Ahmed including the opposition.

The Oromo are not happy , but the majority are not willing to side with the TPLF. Abiy must release Jawar Mohamed and the Oromo Federalist Congresspeople in jail and accommodate them against the TPLf.

By the way, the Afar special forces had flowed the TPLF to the Tigray mountain borders and are achieving success while the Amhara are struggling to fend off the TPLF invasion.

When you hear American sanctions against Ethiopia, it means the Junta are in trouble. Ethiopia can sustain a 250,00 casualty, but poor Tigray can't continue the war. Also, Asias of Eritrea is watching from the north and the west and could enter Tigray any time if he feels Abiy being threatened.

I put my money on Abiy Ahmed. He will rule the next four years. All he has to do is manage and seek the Oromo support.


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