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Interactive Health Tutorials

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If you happen to come across online medical lectures, tutorials etc, kindly care to share.


Start here with nice health tutorials.


Perchance you might benifit from it.

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If you are either starting your clinical rotations or preparing for step II, don't miss these video tutorials for bedside clinical examination skills.


Very nice ones!

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Neurological examination is often a subject of great terror for non-neurologist trainees and practitioners but no doubt that you'll find easier when you watch complete vids of this precise & informative neurology tutorial. And

as well may send you to sleep but it's a quick revision.


It's easier to learn by watching a fluid examination rather than just reading out of a textbook!

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Juxa you mean the world is really messed up... :D:D


Originally posted by MellowBird:

i always imagine sdn would have all the best info to help with the steps.


i'm not there yet, but i'll go hunt around for fun anyway.

I am positive the student doctor network is best forum I've ever seen. It's just that I like to see vids of the professors speaking... smile.gif

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Maashaa Allaah Ditoore Farancab, now aan ku weydiiyo su'aal ku saabsan xaga qalniinka,


marka aad ku guda jartid qalniinka wadnaha ood seedaha iyo xeedha isku hafisey xubinta wadnaha aad ka feydid kaliya waxaa kuu soo haro dhiig xinjir ah adag oo aad moodo xabag bislaatey, su'aasheydu waxaa weeye, ma xeedha ayaad ka fiiqi wadnaha mise dhiiga xinjirta ah ee isku huwiyey wadnaha ayaad si tartiib ah uga soo guri si uu kuugu muuqdo wadnaha, labadaas kee baad hor marineysaa, iyo sababta aad u dooratey.

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^^ wallee mafayoobid.


farancab where is geedhoostiis? there is a market for would be doctors:) before hooyo or eedo gets involved and gives you away without your consent

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^Farancab anaa meel uhaayo, ee bal yara tartiibso...



Waves @Dr. Farancab...e-hug habo!


**Oops ilaa Ramadan bey eheed, ok ok bacdal afur iga aqbal e-hugga**

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Juxa, If you reside in new tuulo then geedhoostii is not far from you. Farta ayaa gaari. Inta in la daweeyo u baahan bartaas bar alla iigu soo hagaaji... :D:D


lol@Nuune, war maxaad tiri bal kuoo celi si fiican kuma maqlayne... icon_razz.gif

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^^^awoowe maxaad isku dabalineysaa ..Kool kat gabarta yaroo Gashaantida ah oo eey kuheysaa maad ka aqabashid icon_razz.gif

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Farancab, war waxaan ku iri boogta bislaatee bukta een wali la dhayin hadii aad dhiig xinjir ah kala kulanto intaad qalniinka ku wado farsamadaad yeeli laheed ood seedaha iyo xididada u kala sooci laheed maxay tahay?

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farancab, i do believe promoting within. mid somali ah lakin somalida dhuntay iska ah baan kuwa yaryar oo somali ah oo qafiif qaba udirey. he said thanks but lacagtooda waa sun (such was the headache they caused him)


anyways if you dhaqtar indeed and new tuulo eysan kaa fogeyn qeyr baad sheegtay. waxan soo wareysan kool inkastooyo burcad tahay and probably will ask more ££ than the market value

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