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Its useless to speculate on something none of us are sure of people. You dont know how the man earns his living or if he takes interest.


Secondly, we are all directly or indirectly caught up in the web that is riba in the west, whether one works in real state, for a major firm, a bank, etc. Lets not split hairs here.


Personally, I give away the interest on my savings as charity. I read somewhere that its an acceptable way to deal with the money.


So in the end... shaqo kale doonta.

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^In the likely future.


When the Amanah account was introduced, I read a fatwa somewhere stating it wasnt exactly shariah compliant. So honestly, I couldnt be bothered with the madax xanuun of it all at the time. And its not often that I have savings anyways or have to deal with interest lol.

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I see what you mean about the savings, one minute is here the next is


I opened an Amanah account recently and so far nothing and to be honest, not much of a madax xanuun.

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lol@Serenity- ! Why dismiss us all, certaintly some of us are making



Gediid, it’s really simple if you look at it as a product. You shouldn’t bother how the product is made, as long it is halaal as it’s presented to you. In the days of the Prophet Muslims used to deal with no-Muslims (Jews and Pagans). There were instances when a Muslim might needed a loan from a non-Muslim. Surely it was not about how the non-Muslim got the mony in the first place but it was about the terms and conditions of that particular loan.

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Personally knowing the man. he deals with riba. i myselft at one time wanted to puy house from him.He was my salesman for realstate. all his money cames from interst. so that is what he chooses , there are nothing we can do about it.


We might as well start celebrating Ayan Ali Hersi's achievements as well while we in the mood for celebrating....


excellent point by Gediid

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Originally posted by -Serenity-:

^In the likely future.


When the Amanah account was introduced, I read a fatwa somewhere stating it wasnt exactly shariah compliant. So honestly, I couldnt be bothered with the madax xanuun of it all at the time. And its not often that I have savings anyways or have to deal with interest lol.

Can an iterest based entity (HSBC) offer Sheria Compliant Morgages in the first place? Same with Loyds TSB. Islamic Bank of Britain is your best bet.

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Faarx_Brown, I used the word qaraar because it actually defines what some people are doing--people who care less about Islam and engage actions that are directly comdemned by Islam: Clanism would be a good example here. All of the sudden when they see someone with a financial "sucess" (though admitedly with dubious background) then they cry and put their arms up.


Northerner, Akhii fil Aqiidah;


"Islamic Bank of Britain is your best bet". This is owned mainly by Loyds TSB and their trading house is a traditional Financial Services firm: Dawnay, Day Group though like the HSBC they have Islamic product offerings.


I think I am with Xiin on this one (you might say we agree on most things); we are not required (that is the common muslim man in the street) to dig out how and why these products put together.

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^^Didnt know that.


But i would still maintain that when one digs little deeper, the 'essense' of the business is usually Riba based.

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I haven’t had chance to reply back, but, I have spoken to the Islamic lenders. So here is the deal folks, they would need the original loan no matter what. Their reasoning is, if you were to sell your house and make $60.00 on their $20.00 loan, they only want their $20.00 loan back and none of the profit. Legitimate agreement under the shari’a.

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