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Today i saw something interesting parked in the front house, something i hadn't seen or noticed for a long time, it had two wheels with the title MADMAX. I looked at it for a minute then proceeded to enter the house, as i walked in i saw a small key on the table, i looked at it and then...dropped everything. BAM..i was for the first time in many - many - many years riding a bicycle, yeah it was horrible because of the weather(and because it was one those annoying mountainbikes belonging to my younger brother) but still it gave me a 'adrenaline kick' and all my spider senses were still active


it's like i was still that same small kid living in a tiny town in Holland who used to cycle to the next two or three towns and play with the Dutch kids there while his mother thought he was in the backyard ohh i used to get radio cable beating for that xanuun badaneeee but it was worth it cause i did it again and again and again


share your cycling experiences and when was the last time you were on a bike? smile.gif

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lol@ radio cable beating ...what the heck?


anyways, not much to share. I use to bike a lot back in elementary/middle school. As for now I do it once in a while with my younger sisters in the local park.


wa salaam


ps. lol@ envy them..why do you envy them? you can still ride a bike even now? mise you are too old and over weighted?

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no i have an athletic body thank you very much, :cool: but i envy them because that era was: no worries,no responsibilities just living the high life


What the heck ah? lolol the famous radiocable iyo those very thin long sticks are part of the Somali mothers disciplinary manual

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^^ well obviously they have no responsibilities, they are kids.


Are you sure you have an athlete body, I had the feelings you envy them cuz you couldn't see yourself riding now or any time soon hahahahahah

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Originally posted by Adam Zayla:

share your cycling experiences and when was the last time you were on a bike?

I love biking smile.gif


I didn't learn to ride until I was about 12 and shortly after my mom got me a used bike that I LOVED. it was a rusty old thing, plus it way too big and it had no brakes but I rode it nonstop until it was stolen =( 12 years later I buy another bike (red just like my first one) and that one was stolen right out of my garage :mad:


the last bike I had was a baby blue cruiser with a basket in the front =) it might sound goofy but it was a really cool bike! I bought it Aug/06 and sold it just over 6 months ago before leaving TW. I'm happy it wasn't stolen, that might've put me off biking forever.

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I loved cycling in my teens. We had a BMX track in my local park and because I have y own bike, I used to steal my brothers beat up BMX bike, It was black and silver.


God, it was 'wicked' going up and down the bumps on that track. Any chance I got, I was on that bike! I'd be sent to the shops to buy salt or something for a cooking pot, but I'd end up going to the furthest shop possible, or going round our block ten times, pissing my mum and sisters off for being too late. I got into a great deal of trouble baryahaas, for being too Wiilo.



The last time, I've been on a bike was about 4 years ago, I found one in my mums house one night, so I took it outside riding on our estate.

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I still remember the days I used to bother my mom to get me this mountain bike really wanted. The day I got it was a full of joy..Me and my lil homies went all over the area I lived in. I remember I got the bike late august, a week before the start of the 6th grade..We used to take the school bus to school everyday, but a friend of mine and I decided to take our bike to school for the first day back...And what do you know? It was stolen...I never seen the bike ever since.

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