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Deeq A.

Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanku waxay Canbaaraynaysa Xadhiga Ismaaciil Cabdilaahi Xuseen iyo Cabdiqani Sh. Maxamed Sh. Cumar oo Boorama ku Xidhan.

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Deeq A.   

Warsaxaafadeed 10/ 08/ 2021

Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanku waxay Canbaaraynaysa Xadhiga Ismaaciil Cabdilaahi Xuseen iyo Cabdiqani Sh. Maxamed Sh. Cumar oo Boorama ku Xidhan.

Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanku waxay canbaraynaysa xadhiga labada muwaadin ee Boorama kuxidhan, 3, July, 2021, waxa Boorama lagu xidhay Ismaaciil Cabdilaahi Xuseen oo ah nin ganacsada iyo Cabdiqani Sh. Maxamed Sh. Cumar oo isna ah macalin.

Xadhigoodi waxa uu yimid kadib markii ay ka hadleen garaacid iyo dhaawac loogeystay Cabdirisaaq Axmed Gorayo, oo bartiisa Facebook ku qoray qoraal uu ku dhaliilayo Wasiirka Beeraha Somaliland Axmed Muumin Seed.

Ismaaciil iyo Cabdiqani waxay muddo 38 cisho ah ku xidhan yihiin sifo sharci daro ah. Waran sharci lagumasoqaban, maxkamedd lamahorgeyn, danbina lagumasoogin.

Waxa kale oo tahdiid iyo hanjabaad xadhig ku socota Mahdi Cabdilahi Xuseen oo ay walaalo yihiin mid kamida labada nin ee xidhan.

Ehelada labada nin ee xidhan ayaa Xarunta u sheegay in xadhigooda uu ka danbeeyo Wasiirka Wasaarada Beeraha Somaliland Axmed Muumin Seed.

Xadhiga muwadiniintani waxa uu lidi ku yahay dastuurka dalka iyo xeerarka caalamiga ee xuquuqal iinsaanka.

Dastuurka Somaliland Qodobka 32 (1) wuxuu sheegaya “Muwaadin kastaa waxa uu xor u yahay inuu rayigiisa ku bandhigo qoraal, hadal, muuqaal suugaan ama qaab kale”.

Sida ku cad, Qodobka 25 (2) ee dastuurka Somaliland “Qofna xoriyadiisa loogama qaadi karo si aan sharcigu bahayn”.

Sidoo kale Qodobka 27 (2) ee Datuurka Somaliland “Qofka xoriyadiisa laga qaaday waxa uu xaq u leeyahay in 48 saacadood gudahood maxkamadd lagu horgeeyo.

Ugu danbayn Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanku waxay ugu baaqaysa dowladda Somaliland inay joojiso xadhiga sharci darada ah, isla markana si bilaa shuruud ah usii dayso labada muwaadin ee xidhan, oo ay ixtiraamto kuna dhaqanto dastuurka dalka yaala.

Yaasmiin Cumar X. aaji Maxamuud

Gudoomiyaha Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaana

Press release: 10/08/2021

Human Centre Condemns the Arbitrary Detention of Ismaacil Cabdilaahi Xuseen and Cabdiqani Sh. Maxamed Sh. Cumar

Human Rights Center is concerned with the egregious abuse of power and arrests of two citizens in borama on July 3rd, 2021, Ismaacil Cabdilaahi Xuseen, a business man and Cabdiqani Sheik Maxamed Sheik Cumar who is a teacher. The reasons for their arrests coincide with criticizing bodily injuries and harm done to Cabdirisaaq Axmed Gorayo. Cabdirisaaq wrote a criticism on a Facebook post about the minister of agricultural development.

Ismaacil and Cabdiqani have been detained without due process for 38 days. They do not have an arrest warrant nor have they been brought forth to a judge and charges filed against them. Coincidently, there are reports of intimidation against their family members Mahdi Cabdilaahi Xuseen, the brother of Ismaacil Cabdilaahi Xuseen.

The families of the detained citizens have informed the center that the party responsible for their arrest is the Minister of the Somaliland Ministry of Agricultural Development, Axmed Muumin Seed. The arrest of these citizens is against the constitution of Somaliland and against every universal human rights law.

The constitution of Somaliland Article 32(1) stipulates “Every citizen shall have the freedom, in accordance with the law, to express his opinions orally, visually, artistically or in writing or in any other way.” Moreover, Article 25(2) of the Somaliland Constitution dictates that “No person may be arrested, searched, or detained, except when caught in flagrante delicto, or on the issue of a reasoned arrest warrant by a competent judge.”

In addition, article 27(2) specifies that “Any person who is deprived of his liberty because of alleged criminal offences shall have the right to be brought before a court within 48(forty-eight) hours of his arrest.” Lastly, the Human rights Center calls on the Somaliland Government to stop arbitrary arrests, and release the two citizens immediately without condition.

Somaliland government should respect and adhere to the laws governing the country accordingly, and specifically to the Constitution of Somaliland.

Yasmin Omar Haji Mohamoud

Chairperson, Human Rights Centre, Somaliland

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