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First violation ticket: Warning for the rest of you

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Those cameras ruined my clean record of driving. Eight years of driving and not a single ticket & moving violation, just a dozen of parking tickets. I opened my mailbox the other day expecting a bill or a letter, but never a ticket worth over $140. I think I’ll request to see a hearing officer. Those camera suck! Can you believe they printed in the ticket that I run on a red light, which isn’t a entirely true? I made a right turn (had the signal on) on a one-way street, which is legal. The problem is that I didn’t stop, but yielded and continued to turn right. The light was yellow but immediately turned red. The camera recorded my plate as if I was running on red. The good thing is that the city lets you view the video clip online, which I did. It appears my fault is that I didn’t completely stop before I made the turn. You can see from the clip that I slowed down but not fully stopped. I don’t know what they will say but I am gonna fight to keep this ticket off my record. Any advice?


If your city has Stop on Red Camera like Minneapolis, take this seriously. Be careful. They know by law they're supposed to have the sign showing a camera is installed but they put them in an angle so the trees hide the signs.

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If you want peace of mind, get rid of the car, use the public transportation, and get a bike to ride it in summertime.

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Lol..Im expecting mine to come in the maiL soon for the same vioLation.


I made a right turn on a red Light(which is totaLLy LegaL) because it was @ 11:48am and the hours you are not aLLowed to make a right turn on the red Light are btw 6:00am-9:00am Mon-Fri. And how odd just at 9:22am that morning I made the same turn on red and the camera did not fLash!


Im so fighting this...I just cant end up paying cLose to $300+ for a ticket because of the camera's errors!


BTW:did you say that they did not put the sign saying there is a 'photo enforced' and hid the camera's behind the trees? Lol..that is sneaky...U cant miss the camera's here...right in Ur face!

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Originally posted by Ducaqabe:

I don’t know what they will say but I am gonna fight to keep this ticket off my record. Any advice?

I would suggest hiring a lawyer, or atleast consulting one. It never hurts.

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