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“Come here! Now! I say come here and listen to me”, the groom- Khadar-Dhagaweyne beckoned the young boy in charge of the ceremony, who also happens to be his Inaabti, to come close. He reclined a bit to the side and whispered to the baffled boy.


“Kaa soo ma’aragtid. That one in the corner; the one with the blue shirt. I was watching him the whole evening; and I am not happy. Lix baan ka tiriyay, counting the number of bottles under his table. Did they tell him this is a festival organised by the Coca-Cola company or some sort of Bazaar!?” And he instructed the young boy on what action he has to take. “Tell the owner of the Hotel, I will not pay him a single penny over and above what we agreed on. I told him thirty boxes; and if he wants to tell me ‘the people drank twenty’, it is his problem. The rest is jeebkiisa! Anaguu raabaa inuu suuq nagu dulsamaysto.” The boy, embarrassed but unwilling to engage the groom in debate [particularly at a time the bride was elbowing the man to tell him something], just managed to say “That will be a problem. More people than we invited have showed up. It will be a problem if we don’t give them drinks”. The unfazed Dhagaweyne issued him a stern order: “Qasabada haka cabaan dadku. Give them water.”


Indeed, the groom in anger got lost in reverie. Not so long ago, in the morning he had a similar problem ‘with people who are intent in ruining him’. Like his sister-in-law: the useless Sahra-Buur. She called to inform him that the bride will need 1000 Birr to do her hair for the big occasion. And he got furious. “Kun aa??? Bal ku celi? Kunku waa maxay? Listen to me! Just cancel that scheme. I am not inetersted in hair deisgns.” Realising he was too blunt to his dumaashi, he tried to recuperate some lost pride. “Fiiri it is not about the money! I really don’t like hair done by professionals. I like it when it is more natural. Sidaa iskaga daaya.” Yet, inside he was shouting “ Waaban ka xiiri, why all this hustle!”


When one of the minxiisado told him that they need a car to transport a three-decker cake they ordered the previous day from a local pastry, he felt the bile rising inside his intestines. “There is no such thing as cake! The sheikh in the Mosque passed an edict banning such ersatz cultures copied from reer-galbeedka”, he informed.


That he accepted the wedding ceremony be done in a big Hotel, in the first place, is because the bride insisted on and refused to settle for anything less. He compromised there and is in no mood to be pushed further into khassare! So, when again one of the organising boys told him that the photographer has already done ten films and is preparing for the eleventh, he was agitated. “Muxuu sawirayaa? Tell him. Any photo oo aniga iyo caruusada ama minxiiska iyo minxiisadu ayna ku jirin is not my concern. Does he want me to pay after taking pictures of the whole town? Shilin ma siinayo ee ha ogaado!” Concerned by the amount of side-talks and the lack of concentration from her man, the bride chided him to relax and focus on the dance floor where several boys and girls- including the tall Ina-Xadhigo who is kind of the man for such occasions- was twisting and turning. “ Naa maxaan daawanaa, xoolahanagiibaa cirka lagu maalayaaye” he retored back and wiped sweat from his forehead.


At around midnight, as those who have to go to their houses-mainly dadkii reeraha lahaa started going; there was a shortage of cars to transport them back to their homes. That is when the bride spoke softly to his ears and asked if he has a plan. She was thinking of an arrangement to hire Taxis’. But he was quick to dispel that notion: “Majirto. They can go on foot. Why are they insisting on a transport? For instance, eedadaa Dahabo her house is just across the street!!”

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka:




So, when again one of the organising boys told him that the photographer has already done ten films and is preparing for the eleventh, he was agitated. “Muxuu sawirayaa? Tell him. Any photo oo aniga iyo caruusada ama minxiiska iyo minxiisadu ayna ku jirin is not my concern. Does he want me to pay after taking pictures of the whole town? Shilin ma siinayo ee ha ogaado!”

hahahaahah A&T Caadi matihid waxaan inte kaso quftaa oo baas ...Misa waa qisooyin adiga kugu dhacay

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^^Adaa isku sammeeyey saaxiib, waa dabeecaddaadaa xoogaad markaad joogtid belaayo inta kugu soo degta baad qof dusha ka fuushaa :D .


edit: i forgot to say tan miyir qab baad ku qortay. And it's not a rarety for you to produce good threads like this one. Laakiin kheyrul acmaali dawaamiahaa...

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^^^ Haye, maantoo dhan waxaan lahaa wuu soo dhexgaliye maxaad sidaa u yeeshay. Xaawaleey oo dhan inuu dabada ku wato anu maanigaa ogaa!! :D

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Adeer duulkaa ninkii la dirira cimri deg-deg baa ku dhici. Sometimes i question your raw intelligence. Adduunkoo dhan 60% waa dumar, ninkii maagaa sow nin inuu dhinto raba maaha awoowe.


Anigu intaa waan kula taliyyaa waxaan kugu qabo oon shiddo ahaynna lama arko ilaahay amarki.

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Now If you put a crusty sensation tears on their cheek through your short stories all the Xawadley (SP?) will follow you.You can control and manipulate them skillfully.Use your skills wisely :D


PS Why Do i feel like I'm saying AT&T when I read your name.I'm T-mobile fan...

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Originally posted by STOIC:

Now If you put a crusty sensation tears on their cheek through your short stories all the Xawadley (SP?) will follow you.You can control and manipulate them skillfully.Use your skills wisely

If those words were from me, I would have been taking the bunches aready! Double standard!

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^ True - but you see, STOIC didn't try to alienate most of the females in here before. What was that Somali proverb: ama afeef hore lahow ama adkeysi dambe? Something to that effect.


Fantastic story - I think the groom has a right to look out for his hard-earned cash, although perhaps not to that level.

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Val: to be frank with you, aad & aad ayaa la iiga gardaran yahay! I don't know where I alienated women. But, I can see people feel I am abusive, and Yes, I will stop!

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At around midnight, as those who have to go to their houses-mainly dadkii reeraha lahaa started going; there was a shortage of cars to transport them back to their homes. That is when the bride spoke softly to his ears and asked if he has a plan. She was thinking of an arrangement to hire Taxis’. But he was quick to dispel that notion: “Majirto. They can go on foot. Why are they insisting on a transport? For instance, eedadaa Dahabo her house is just across the street!!”

looooooooooooool, War kan Sacuudiga baa gacmaha ka jaray,Walaa Xawla walaa quwati. :D

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