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Should drugs be legalized? The Somali opinion.

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Originally posted by SeeKer:


Personally, I think anything that alters a human body should be banned including caffeine.
(Whistling as I drink my extra light, hold the whip, triple shot, orange truffle grande starbucks)
My bank account would be forever be thankful to congress.


Anywho ,Nin would you clarify what drug in particular you are lobbying for? I sense you really meant Khat but threw in the word cocaine as an afterthought.

If you think about it smoking cigarettes or shisha will ultimately kill you, but they aren't illegal. Even the food you eat isn't that much healthy with all the chemicals they add to it. You'd be very surprised how some of the processed things we eat has more harmful things in them than the drugs they tell us is bad for your body. And no, I am not talking about any specific drug. I am talking about in general.

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Originally posted by Fu-Fu:

Personally I think the idea of legalizing drugs is absolutely ludicrous.

YES! Fu-Fu this is true. I agree with you for once. Laakin was your decision made by your ethics or because you work out. there is a big difference.

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Drugs should be illegal because they are toxic to your body, expensive and they invite a host of other problems such as prostitution, neglect and taking other's lives.

I would love to see alcohol banned and add ciggarets while you're at it.

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Nin.......I was being facetious. :D


If we made harmful things illegal life would be dull. I am by no means encouraging the use of drugs by claiming that. I am just stating that for a species that claims they were granted free will we sure do take a lot of liberties by making certain things illegal.


C&H erm......I don't think I can stand my co-workers if they didn't go home to booze each night. Life is just too stressful for certain folks!


Che, there is a case for legalizing prostitution even from a healthcare POV.

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Originally posted by Nin-Yaaban:

Ok, religion aside, anyone else?

Yeah you're right, let's go to the table and snort some coke! Get your dollar bill out!

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Simply put by legalizing the trade the pimps would have to fall under regulations of federal law. One couldn't get a license unless there is a clean bill of health for each employee and a continuous screening would ensure that safe practices are upheld. Thereby spread of diseases would be stymied. Off course there are holes in the theory since the customers could be carriers but due to the screening process this should eventually decrease with time.


Che, which column wins economically:Pro or Con?

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