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Should drugs be legalized? The Somali opinion.

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Ok, never posted anything like this and knowing majority of Somalis are conservetive when it comes to alot of things, I want to gauge the feelings of those that post here. I know it's Ramadan and I appologize before hand for this (ilahayow I cafi). Should drugs ever be legalized, for responsible adults that want to use them? I am sure everyone knows the friend or the family member that smokes GEEDO. Do you think drugs whatever they maybe (Geedo, Khat, Cocaine, etc) should be legal for those that use them without CEEB, AMA Xabsiga eey dadka uga baqaan? My feelings are they should be legal, sababtoo ah, qof walba asagaa noloshiisa iska leh, markuu dhintana waa asaga iyo ilaahis. I was just thinking about this, and thought alot of people on SoL have much to add. Fikradiina soo dhiibta, ayadoon wax la iska sheegin, AMA la isku wacdin. Haa AMA Maya, iyo sababta aad fikradaas u dhiibatay.

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i think this is personal choice, but mostly if your friends are on drugs and they will legalize for you to chew Khat or smoke in the public.

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Norf, personal feelings aside why do you think they should remain illegal. Do you think the harm it will cause would outweigh the personal freedom of someone wanting to use them? Ok, should some of the drugs be legalized than others (geedo, khat, etc).

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Originally posted by Nin-Yaaban:

Do you think the harm it will cause would outweigh the personal freedom of someone wanting to use them?



Originally posted by Nin-Yaaban:

Ok, should some of the drugs be legalized than others (geedo, khat, etc)

None should be legalised. The offences for use, possession and distribution should vary (as is the case already).

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I read a study done on Amsterdam and what the effects of legalizing marijuana has done to the country and it seemed to indicate that legalizing marijuana increased the amount of people who experimented with marijuana or was it the age decreased? :confused:


Personally, I think anything that alters a human body should be banned including caffeine. (Whistling as I drink my extra light, hold the whip, triple shot, orange truffle grande starbucks) My bank account would be forever be thankful to congress.


Anywho ,Nin would you clarify what drug in particular you are lobbying for? I sense you really meant Khat but threw in the word cocaine as an afterthought. :D

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Originally posted by Nin-Yaaban:

My feelings are they should be legal, sababtoo ah, qof walba asagaa noloshiisa iska leh, markuu dhintana waa asaga iyo ilaahis.

Nin-Yaaban you might own your body but your body is also part of a wider society and anything that effects your body be it negatively or positively will also directly effect the wider society as well. Hence, If you cant lead a healthy normal living because of drugs then you become a liability to society rather than an asset and thus society must provide you the means to live. So it is logical for any society to confront any substance that undermines its vitality.

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Originally posted by Nin-Yaaban:

Norf, personal feelings aside why do you think they should remain illegal. Do you think the harm it will cause would outweigh the personal freedom of someone wanting to use them? Ok, should some of the drugs be legalized than others (geedo, khat, etc).

loool...halla ii cammiro maa iska dhahdid saaxiib oo yaan la mamnuucin!...Norf said ban so su'aal kale ha ku celinnin!

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Hala ii camiro kulahaa, hahaha. Aniga waxaan oron lahaa, Drugska nooceey doonanba hanoqdaan in legal laga dhiga oo dadka Tax laga qaado, sida sigaarka iwm.

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^ You are talking about legalizing other drugs but tobacco it self is under fire and sooner or later it will be banned for good. You can only understand the ban process that is underway if you follow events that took place in certain parts of the world and their implication to the tobacco industry.


In canada a decade ago smoking cigarette wasn't big deal and there were more do's than don's but today my friend you are lucky if a municipal bylaw prohibiting smoking isn't stuck on your forehead. Stores are not even allowed to display their tobacco products on the shelves anymore and tobacco manufactures are required to put a warning label and a disgusting image of a diseased body part as result of tobacco use on their cigarette packages. The list is too much and that only took place within a decade and you can expect what to follow, a ban perhaps.

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Originally posted by Aaliyah416:

nop never. Your body is not yours , ilaahay ba ku siiyey..and anything that harms your body is haraam.



Well said. I always find it interesting that people think they're their bodies. A plumber doesn't think his wrenches are a part of him, they're just his tools. Just like hands, the brain and the whole body is our tool - and they're the best tools known to man! Use them to your advantage/to get the work done, don't sabotage them.

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Sheesh, I can't smoke in restaurents in DC and Maryland anyways. I am glad I live in tobacco country (Va). And I do believe you, they were talking about banning smoking in restaurents and in public places not too long ago. So I know it's coming. It's hard out there for a smoker, having to stand outside to light one up. But o'well.

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