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US troops converting afghans.

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KABUL (Reuters) - The U.S. military denied Monday it has allowed soldiers to try to convert Afghans to Christianity, after a television network showed pictures of soldiers with bibles translated into local languages.


General Order Number 1 from the U.S. military's Central Command forbids active duty troops -- including all those serving in Iraq and Afghanistan -- from trying to convert people to their religion, considered a crime in many Muslim countries.


Qatar-based Al Jazeera television showed footage filmed last year of a church service at Bagram, the main U.S. base north of the Afghan capital Kabul, and a bible study class where soldiers had a stack of bibles in the local languages, Pashtu and Dari.


A military chaplain was shown delivering a sermon to other soldiers, saying: "The special forces guys -- they hunt men basically. We do the same things as Christians, we hunt people for Jesus. We do, we hunt them down."


A U.S. military spokeswoman, Major Jennifer Willis, said the comments from the sermon were taken out of context and chaplains were told to make clear to soldiers that they could not proselytise while serving.


Former prime minister Ahmad Shah Ahmadzai told Reuters the footage appeared to show "that in a foreign military base inside our country, people work against our religion."


"We consider this act as a direct attack on our religion that will arouse Afghans' emotions to take actions against them."

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Big PR disaster indeed…… if anything the afghans will cling their religion more than ever. This the sort of thing that makes Taliban even more popular. Walee salad beey ku waasheen gaaladii sidii loo qaraacayey

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^^sxb- allah (swt) said: yurudina luyidfu nurallahi biafwahihim- walahu mutimi nuruhi walaw karul kafirun( 8. Their intention is to extinguish Allah.s Light (by blowing) with their mouths: But Allah will complete (the revelation of) His Light, even though the Unbelievers may detest (it)). Thus they are spending their efforts, time and resources on a project which is doomed to fail and only bring more harm to their economies..and their own souls........ Allah (swt) says:



36. The Unbelievers spend their wealth to hinder (man) from the path of Allah, and so will they continue to spend; but in the end they will have (only) regrets and sighs; at length they will be overcome: and the Unbelievers will be gathered together to Hell;-

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what else do u think they're doing there ?


Do u think their lives are on risk for nothing ?



why do they have to die in Afghanistan, Iraq and else where while they can simply stay in their respective countries ?

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they are doing more than just converting few afghans here and there. the Pentagon's HTS(Human Terrain System)program was designed so that the overall US missions in both Afhangistan and Iraq is not of just military, but of psychological warfare. the CIA sponsored HTS program recruited social scientists anthropologists and academic scholars to study gather information and ultimately change the cultural apparatus of Iraqis and Afghans.


"American scholars in these fields were embedding with the military in Afghanistan and Iraq as part of a Pentagon program called Human Terrain System (HTS), which evolved shortly thereafter into a $40 million program that embedded four or five person groups of scholars in the aforementioned fields in all 26 US combat brigades that were busily occupying Iraq and Afghanistan.....The military’s goals for the HTS was to have them gather and disseminate information about Iraqi and Afghani cultures."


Occupying Hearts and Minds

by Dahr Jamail / May 2nd, 2009


http://dissidentvoic ing-hearts-and-minds /

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