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Just because women aad rigaysatay don't find harm in your tasteless humour doesn't mean you will have to obligate the task of name-calling to yourself as a matter of right!


I don't want to come in between you two, but the link is my character, and I am saying she bears no resemblance to IBTI. Hadii si kale laguu hayo, cadeeyso; and we shall try to help. :D

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Your 'character' sounds like a busybody. Enough said. :D



what does 'women aad rigaysatay' mean? ;)

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I will atempt to translate (just to feel good about myself).


He is saying that whenever you write stories just because you are surrounded by myrmidons doesn't mean that you have the right to call them names

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Ngonge, he means your collection of women aad "domestic-gareesy" i.e. your defenders, kind like your slaves, don't find harm in your tasteless humour, don't shoot yourself in the foot by name calling them. :rolleyes:


I've never seen someone who in an attempt to defend you calls you a collection of someone else and a blind follower/ slave with no views of her own. :mad: :mad: shid uuuf caleek

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I can't pass judgement on that, but has to give you a flat X for this one. I will put Rigaysi in context. When someone comes to a new place, and a friend by virtue of superior knowledge of the area and to impress upon his friend, tells him this and that abusrd stories, you can say 'Don't try to fool me (not quite that)-by saying hana rigaysan.


When somebody has a blind loyalty to another, and sees whatever that person says as right and nice- even to the extent of mistaking blatant blunders for witticism, you can also describe that situation by saying -war nin baa rigaystay Cabdi. Meaning maskaxda ka qabsaday.


I was referring to the later definition.




Ibti- come just too fast for my clarifications. I don't think you fancy your Somali against mine. Should have waited till I explain. Anyone, is this back-stabbing!! I was defending you. Or surrendering to the attacker to limit the damage.


Ngonge go ahead and tell us what you know! :D

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^^ I knew what you meant in the first place. Bal ha kaa sarto :D



Notice how Ibti forgot all about what i wrote earlier? badow yaho :D

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Originally posted by NGONGE:


Notice how Ibti forgot all about what i wrote earlier? badow yaho

Didn't I know it? Rigaysi explained in action. Ninkii caayayey bay leedahay kaalay A&T ila eryo! :D

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Dude your clarification is the same as mine.


When someone has blind loyalty in my books means they are owned! and have shitless of a brain. In fact as your correctly said, qoofak their brain baa laaga qabsaday and they follow regardless of wrong or write. How dare you? Aad iyo aad baad uu edaba taartehy! And then to top it all off, you tell me that ooh my Somali is better than yours. Edaba baan laagu baarin!


Ngonge: No, I'm not that easily manipulated and I have not forgotten, but I know you mean busybody as in being up in the UK Muslims business and since I'm apart of that community I have no problem with you pointing out my role.

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anigu kuma caayayo. But if only you could make a quarter of the rationalisations you make for NGONGE to me, you shouldn't have found vile in my comments. SAD.


By the way, I was not talking about you. I was talking about 'imaginary' women, not a specific person. Not that this will lessen my 'crimes' in your eyes. You will only take a bigger stick to defend what you see as attack against women.

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^^^Indeed :rolleyes: I’m adding “spineless liar" to the collection.


You was not talking about imaginary women, scroll up and read the sequence of threads if you are having short term amnesia. It was clearly a direct reference to me. Don’t add insult to injury. Don’t worry how I treat Ngonge, that is clearly none of your business and as your are two different individuals evidently I will treat each one accordingly.

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You may say whatever you wish to say. But I wasn't referring to you. I have scrolled up and couldn't find anything that suggests I was talking about you. But, I notice it is easier for you to believe your imaginations. If words mean anything, I WASN'T REFERRING to you. And if I did, nothing would have prevented me from saying I was.

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