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Are you mentally stable?

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This dude does not think so. Read on.


Are Somali's mentally stable?


I know this may offend some out there....but enough with the PC crap. Somali's need to be asked some hard questions....e.g are the mentally fit?


One question to these people...when the eff do y'all plan to stop fighting each other....10,000 A.D??!! or will that be a century to early for you? honestly if i hear one more thing about the situation in somalia i'll puke!


you guys need to just give your country to someone else to run it. we have many people in kenya who can run an effective country for you.


Somalia..seriously why are you such a pain to Africa?

If you want to give a piece of you mind to that Keenyaati poster, here it is.


Meantime, another poster responding to the original poster:


"ehehehe quite funny though....Ur choice of words is quite offensive to somalis, i swear if this was a face to face argument some irate walallo would have stabbed u instantly while screaming vernacular curses,..."


Oh, yea. I guess. :D

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It all depends at what angle your looking at Somalis,you might find your self being declared as the insane one.

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Soomaalida runtii marmarka qaarkood adiga ayaaba la yaabeysid. Go to any evening to their typical Tim Hortons ay fariistaan, qeyladda ka socoto, sometimes meesha waxaa isleedahay dagaalkii sadexaad adduunka maa soo socdo.


Shisheeyaha aan la socon Soomaalida dhaqankooda saas ka dhigtay indhaha ayee taagaan markee soo galaan, though kuwa la qabsaday ayaa jiro that ignore their quuq.

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we are mentally stable and health enough but some our folkways are unacceptable characters--from that angle we might seem insane to others, other then that the difficults we were/are passing the last 16 years are unconsciously effecting our mental stability?



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