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Boooming Hargeisa

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Email forward,,,,,,


There's a new phone in town. TELECOM, the newest telephone company is on a roll providing promo prices to early birds. Somaliland now has four telephone services to choose from two of them offers SMS messaging. Unfortunately you cannot send messages to phones from rival companies.


Now that Telecom sales is up, TeleSom (one of the older companies) is trying to sharpen their quality of services. They have imported Chinese techies to improve both their internet services. Rumours say that Telesom will be coming up with their SMS service soon. Competition is good indeed, I just hope something could be done with interconnection, 4 phones per person is simply unaffordable and ridiculous.


Somaliland is not only connected to the information highway, its now faster! There are now 2 VSAT providers in Hargeisa. SomSat and Maan (from the Mansoor string of companies), Maan has also reached the other regions. In Hargeisa, young people found another reason for frequenting internet cafes, CHAT! It's a new craze for young Somalilanders. The young generation have chosen a new path, from khat to chat ?


The government is still the most reliable and dependable electric provider. It's cheap (.30 per unit compared to $1 charged by some private companies) and always on schedule unlike the privately owned generators. Private businesses have profited from this due to the limited scope of government services.


Mansoor Hotel has a huge generator enough not only to service their hotel but also the whole village surrounding them. Dahabshil not only dominates the remittance transmittal arena but also boasts of a 24 hour electric service to its clients.


People say that the government is expecting new generators from Djibouti this month, this would mean more and more brighter villages.



Foreigners are charged double for water for reasons nobody could still explain. To my surprise my water bill for 2 months is a whopping $238. That covers the more than 2 weeks of no water remember the water carrying donkeys? The consumption of 10 Maternal and childcare centers plus a government office combined only reach $75. Even my Somali friends and colleagues find this completely crazy, hmm I wonder what’s wrong.


Sacaadadin used to dominate the shopping outfits. They sell shoes, bags, kitchen utensils, electronics, name it they usually have it. Sacaadadin used to be the biggest, not anymore. Dualeh opened late last year, they offer a wider choice products to choose from.



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OG Moti   

Thanks for the information, but brother we all know in Somalia as awhole, everyone has phone and a settalite in his/her house, and that not only 4 companies are there ... every house has it is own company and connectivity, but that doesnt make somalia communicate well, Somalia as awhole needs to be educated the skills of Communication rather than providing them devices of communication that might confuse them more and increase the misunderstanding we are suffering right now... Somalia is the lost world and no matter what equipment you install no government no country and dont tell me Somaliland has a government, in Somalia no Government and till those blood suckers in Kenya stop using their own flesh and blood to gain individual benifits we shall always suffer and our women and children been taken by waxaan la ogeen... till then i am not willing to discuss Somalia... thank you thou for the information


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Hargeisa is a wonderful place and insha-allah it will continue to booom!!




lets not go into politics bruv..

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everyone has phone and a settalite in his/her house



but that doesnt make somalia communicate well

true, try changing flight reservations, u will be going in circles, there is a gr8 opportunity for all you networking tech geeks (in the nicest possible terms)


and dont tell me Somaliland has a government

- not worth my entertaining,,,ie the whole point i did not post this in the politics section,,,,,


Winger says:


Hargeisa is a wonderful place and insha-allah it will continue to booom

ameen along with all other parts of Somaliland and Somalia,,,,,,,,,

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