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Deeq A.

KULMIYE Iyo Garabka Xisbiga UCID Ka Mid Ah Oo Shirguddoonka Wakiillada U Soo Sharraxay Faratoon, Suciid Mire Iyo Cabdinaasir Qodax

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Deeq A.   

Xisbiga KULMIYE iyo garabka xisbiga UCID ayaa ku heshiiyey inay shirguddoonka u sharraxaan Guddoomiyaha Prof. Yaasiin Xaaji Maxamuud Xiir (Faratoon), Guddoomiye-ku-xigeenka koowaad Md. Suciid Mire Faarax (Giirre) iyo Gufdoomiye-ku-xigeenka 2aad Md. Cabdinaasir Yuusuf Cismaan (Qodax).


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