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sad day for Kenya,and east Africa in general..!

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kenya lost great of it prominent leaders,the guys who would have been the likes of Mandella,to east africa.!



Kenya mourns its vice-president

Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki has declared two weeks of national mourning following the death in London of his deputy, Michael Kijana Wamalwa.


Vice-President Wamalwa died aged 58 in the Royal Free Hospital where he had been undergoing treatment.


The hospital confirmed Mr Wamalwa died on Saturday morning, but declined to provide any information on his treatment or the circumstances of his death.


President Kibaki, leading the tributes, called Mr Wamalwa a patriot and a man who had served his country with distinction.


The leader of the official opposition, Uhuru Kenyatta, described the vice-president as an outstanding politician whose powers of oratory had endeared him to the Kenyan people.


South African President Thabo Mbeki sent his condolences.



Mr Wamalwa became vice-president after elections last December ended the 24-year rule of President Daniel Arap Moi.



A patriot and a gentleman who served his country with dedication to enhance the democratic space

Kenay President Mwai Kibaki

The president said flags would fly at half mast during the period of national mourning, and there would be no official public functions, Kenyan radio reported.

Mr Wamalwa - a lawyer educated in Britain - had been undergoing treatment at the hospital for several weeks.


At the peak of last year's hectic Kenyan election campaign, he was a patient at the same hospital as the then opposition leader, Mr Kibaki.


Government problems ahead?


After winning the landmark poll, ill-health continued to dog both the president and his deputy.


According to the BBC's Ishbel Matheson in Nairobi, there have been questions about who is really running Kenya.


The ruling Rainbow coalition, a loose alliance of more than a dozen political parties, has suffered internal rows between competing factions which threaten to squander the goodwill which accompanied the election victory.


In the past, Mr Wamalwa has successfully defused the tensions.


But now the coalition has lost a key mediator, our correspondent says the power struggle within the alliance may well intensify.


Mr Wamalwa - who had a penchant for watching cartoons and quoting Shakespeare - is survived by his widow, Yvonne, and a young daughter.



Story from BBC NEWS:


Published: 2003/08/24 07:04:52 GMT



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Another "******* " who kicked the basket is not a bad day saaxib. This dude represents the repressive government of kenya which is responsible for the deaths of thousands of somalis- and the arrest, imprisonment of somalis.


Shed no tears when colonial rulers die! one by one they would face the angel of death.

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