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The Jappanesse Dieet

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Jappanesse and Medditerranean peoples who eat in the traditional manner have the highest life expectancy in the world - and their longevity has much to do with their diet. The two diets seem very different, but they have in common a relative absence of saturated fats and margarines, and an emphasis on fish, vegetables and fruit.

Features of the Jappanesse ddiet are:



High rice content - this is the main dietary staple.

Low fat content - especially in saturated fat.


Twice as much fish as meat (Westerners, by contrast, have on average 47 times more meat than fish!)


Vegetables, which play an important role - the more popular include bamboo shoots, eggplant, various mushrooms, sweet potato, and Chinese cabbage.


Many natural flavour additives in the form of herbs, spices and condiments such as ginger, lemon, sesame seed, mustard.


Use of rice-based sake wine both as a tenderiser and to minimise pungent aromas.


Most dishes involve dashi - stock and seasoning made from kelp and mackerel - and shoyu (soy sauce).


A high variety of foods, especially plant foods. A recent Japanese survey of the diets of 200 elderly women revealed they consumed a variety of over 100 biologically different foods per week. By contrast, in most western countries the recommended minimum is only 30. Research shows that the higher the variety, the less risk of many diseases including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and many cancers.


A high intake of soy products - approximately forty times more than the Western intake.


Green tea - this is particularly rich in antioxidants. Our own black tea is also antioxidant-rich, but the effect is destroyed with the addition of milk, which prevents their absorption.


A high salt intake (soy sauce, for example, contains 16% salt). This is a health negative, and is implicated in the high Japanese incidence of hypertension, stroke and stomach cancer. This last disease is the commonest cause of death in Japan. Salt is also implicated in liver and nasopharyngeal cancer.


A high intake of pickled foods - another negative. These contain chemicals called nitrosamines which may be implicated in stomach, liver and oesophageal cancers.


Low dairy food intake. Since World War II this has steadily increased, and with unprecedented access to dairy products in childhood, the average height of Japanese has increased dramatically.


A fondness for fugu (puffer fish), which can be lethal.


Fruit is served at the end of a meal.


In recent years, a doubled intake of alcohol. The protective effects of alcohol against coronary heart disease are thus outweighed by an increased risk of liver disease, diabetes and hypertension.




Japanese who move overseas and adopt a Western-style diet have an increased risk of breast cancer, coronary heart disease and diabetes. The manner of eating, as much as the food content, is important. A traditional Japanese celebratory meal may include a dozen miniature courses served in strict, artistic sequence. With beauty and ingenuity, food will be fashioned to reflect the seasons, with aesthetics, tradition, religion, history, ritual and symbolism woven into every meal - a lesson in relaxation. It is instructive to contrast this with the rushed meal in front of the television which has become a familiar feature of Western dietary routine.


Breast cancer is rare in Japan. A low fat intake, and a high intake of soy (with protective phyto-oestrogens), antioxidants and fibre, plus high food variety, are probably all involved, although there may be a genetic element.

The Japanese Diet


A low intake of meat is a major factor in the low bowel cancer rate in Japan.


The lesson from all of this - as from the Mediterranean diet - is to recognise the benefits of a high food variety, with minimal saturated fat, more fish, less meat, and especially more fruit, vegetables and grains.



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Originally posted by Conspiracy.:

^^ never met a Somali that doesn't like tuna , however Khayr thats quite sudden topic to drop on us bro.. any specific reasons?



I heard about the Japanese diet today while working out during my lunch hour. It caught my eye and made alot of sense. One thing they said was the the use of the CHOPSTICK helps with dieting and eating right b/c you eat SLOW, MORE CAREFULLY and end up DIGESTING the food better.

Smaller portions over a longer period of time. It takes 20min. for the stomach to reach fullness, from what I heard today on the news.


About fish, its real expensive to have varieties in your diet and to eat fish when u don't live near a harbor.


In anycase, I tried the chopstick thing and I am currently feeling full alhamdulillah and I endup eating half the usual dinner and ate much slower.

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In anycase, I tried the chopstick thing and I am currently feeling full alhamdulillah and I endup eating half the usual dinner and ate much slower.


Would that be bcoz the food kept falling off those annoying little things and your stomach filled up in protest?

Their diet is ok if only we could convince the hooyos to ease up on the subag and saliid macsaro

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Japanese Diet kulahaa! My deit consist of eating, eating and eating :D . All I really do is listen to what my body craves, and feed it that. Then have a shake or 2 a day and maybe some tuna, chicken or steak and just eat every 2-3 hours.

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its all good eating rice everyday if your of an asian decent but if you have natural curver body it works against you just look at the arab girls


and if your somali its even worser because we eat bread and pasta


i only started eating fish after i found out it has omega 3 which is apparently good for storing memeory which comes to good use if you are a student i have seen no effect so far although my skin looks great !!!


green tea without milk, thats bit like having coffee without five spoons of sugur

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Originally posted by Bishaaro:

Japanese Diet kulahaa! My deit consist of eating, eating and eating
. All I really do is listen to what my body craves, and feed it that. Then have a shake or 2 a day and maybe some tuna, chicken or steak and just eat every 2-3 hours.

Ha isoo marin :D . Eating, and eating ku lahaa :D !

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