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I can't believe gabar dirac xiran aa kasii jeesan laheyd JAceelbaro...been loow aa tahay hadii dhahdid haa..........waraa gabar dirac gashan ani hidii arko waaba bururaa...shimbiroow in la iga tumo waaye..aroos oo waalan aan hada kohor ku bururay because of qoftoo dirac xiran aa niikis waalan ka tuurtay...AAaaaaaaa..ani waa wareerray hada sii dhididay...markaas aa waxaan maqlay " waa soo socdaaaaaaaaaa" diraclee meelkaste ka arki..amaan is arkay anoo dirah la igu goglay...ajaaaaaaaaaa..wareeri saana.....



wareer badanaa!!!

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Oo kaalay Tuujiye,, sidaan maa u dookh xuntahayna . . .


Dhib ma laha oo dadka waa kala dookh duwan yihiine ,, laakiin aniga xagaa iyo diraca ha igu soo soo qaadin . . . dhar oo sports ah, goono iyo shaar gacmo gaab ah,,,, bajaamaha oo dhexda xariga ku leh ,,, etc. mise waa sii wadaa.'


Lemme take a break ,,,,,, will be back soon :D

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

But what do u like Wiilo instead ??


Don't tell me GUNTIINO ! ! !

Jacaylbaro sxb magacayga si fiican uma macneysan baan mooday "Wiilo" iyo Guntiino..come on.. marka aad maqasho "wiilo" picture this "Surwaal" {Daba Gaab ah} iyo "Garan" or T-Short.......maxaa waaye Guntiinada aad sheegoosid Come on. Ha iga xanaajin dear.......... :rolleyes: :mad: :eek:


Go figure:............

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Loooooooooooool Wiilo :D:D


That is da best thing aad guriga ku dhex joogto . .. . .


I wish i could see u Dear :D;);)


Bal dadkaan u sheeg . . . . . .

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