Che -Guevara

Tigray forces Recapture Mekelle

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It could be said that Abiy caved due to the American pressure. Most of the government and internal security was transferred to the Abiy appointed Tigray interim government. An Oromo guy told me that there was collusion between the Abiy appointed Tigray leadership and the TPLF who changed their name as Tigray Defence Forces (TDF). 

Also, as soon as Eritrea withdrew their forces, it was inevitable for the TPLF to come out from the caves and mountains. I would say that the American democrats are different than the loud republicans. They might have succeeded to keep Abiy on leash.

Definitely Abiy will win the election , but my advice to him is to form a national government and put the Oromo nationalists in the cabinet including Jawar Mohamed. At the end it will not be the Tigray who will ultimately disintegrate Ethiopia , but the Oromo or Amhara. 




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The Amhara are crying foul, but there seems to be a backdoor deal. No bullets fired from both sides. Abiy probably wanted to withdraw long ago , but was waiting to put the election in the bag.I heard that he mobilised the heavy weapons and moved the money from Tigray banks last week. 

He relocated the army for the excuse of securing the election. I think the whole thing might be a set up.

Now, if Abiy is serious, he must bite hard the Amhara. Amxaarada si fiican ha u qaniino hadduu run sheegayo oo uu rabo taageerada Oromada.

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I know few Tigrays here, they only were worried abt Eritreans. AND months ago told if Eritreans leave, they can defeat Abiy easily. 

Also many Tigrays went back from overseas,  and most importantly it looked to me they have know how, n very well organised. 

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Che, and galbeedi said it before. What we are seeing is simply an African yoguslavia. The scenes are different but the narrative is the same. As I said, the hyeanas of Ethiopia, the wayanaha or TPLF, amd tigreega were determined by 1991 to make a system that they could manipulate.. It worked for 30 years, but when the fake hoxaist Meles, the arch-murderor and killer of Somalis, a despicable of man who used as a colonial dog to invade Somalia when Somalis finally rid-themselves from rats if mogadishu. Clan-warlords like Muuse Suudi, Cabdi And 2 others guys whose name I cant name, but one hails from ceelbuur and the other one from galmudug. During 90-ties and early 2000, they terrorized the native banadiri-somalis and the proud bimal, bagadi and geledi (see geledi kingdom).

These were the dark ages of Somalia. When the somalis got fed up and Islah and the  the muslim brotherhood had set ut private universities, somalis expiremented with political Islam. Who knows the Islamic court system maxaakimta islaam launched a blietz kerig and captured 80  percent of the nation. They clearly said that they wanted to unite the nation and islamic scholars hailing from puntland was formed. Had they inaded puntland would have fallen , Who knows, after a great "somali-islamic summit",  The third Somali republic would have been the Islamic republic of Iran. . But as we are somalis, we are quick to take rashless decisions. After the succses We had xassan dahir aweys openly talking about soomali-galbeed.

The bush regime who barely could distuinguish national islamic movement branded them as terrorists despute having no links with Bin laden,  They first used to rats, the rats fled, one fled by boat. Then the american imperialists used the hyeanas of Ethiopua. A hyeana is animal that often eats meat slain by the lion. 

While it was Shacbiya EPLF under Saleh Sabbe who came up with the idea using the christiab eritreab tigrayab troops to infiltrate and train TPLF they did so. They did so well so they could take power,  A war was launched and in order to humiliate Somalis, the Ethiopian "embassy" flag during SYL day in may.  Heyeba Seyoum Mesfin who is now dead  and was killed in the conflct was the one raising the flag.  Sio now what-?

First of all, a somali insided in the foregin office of Somalia told me that Afwerqi net with the american ambassador. Afweqru who made his land into somekind of an orwellian north korea knows he is short if money. Afwerqi has nor forgotten movenent the forto couo, A couo led by the tigre ethic grouo.

They are also called beja or benu aner and by jeberti tigrinja, It said thar a relative of Awerqu was working in the building when all minsteril buildings were captured. On fortunately the couosters made the deadly sin of not having a insider in the building who knows how to operate, While coupsters were talking and thinking they were live on air that relative plugged the cable of the news. Afewqri sent troops and fighting was heard for over 4 hours, coup leaders were arrested and executed, the ramaining 5 christians were also shot. This hows how fragile has become. Just look at the freedom parties, seldom will you see muslims taking part of them.

The ambassador gave him 48 hours withdraw his heavy troops and 3 weeks for infantry. Guess what guys? Once the Eritrean army went, the federal ethiopian troops simply vanished. Gaalka gartiiisa sii. The oromo soldiers were actually the first  one to hand over their uniform and gun and leave.  Those are willing to fight are the Amhara. The ragtag Anhara fought and were massacred when the ttplf trapped them in. They executed them one by one and left non-amxara soldiers alone. They Tplf secured border and forced the amxara region issue a statement defining welkatr as amhara,

Who is the winner and who is the loser?

1-Caabey  Anxaari lost. His mission was to eliminate them. The cease fire gives the TPLF time ro re iorganize, and making a ceas fire ti party that you yesterday branded terrorists  is in a way making them a legitimate. He has to talk to them.

2-Other regions saw the weakness of army This wil embolen the western christian oromos. The eastern oromos who side side with Somalis, qeero youth are now literally the polce, OLF soldiers  have become police officers,  One Somali in nazreeti that the ioromos  renamed adama qeero youth stormed every police department and ejected every amhara,  They did this under with the support of Oromiya reagin.

In conclusion.

Cabey Anxaaro is ockupied with catching the thousands of flies and jinni that came out of the pandorax box, mainly ethnic nationalism. Once that box is opended and fuel is lit and the house burning (tigray)  you can only watch. Mustafa Omar in soomali-gallbed waa in uu ku mashquulo raising somali nationalism buy weapons. Instead of going to gondar sending blessings upon Menelik he should have gone to afar region  and oromo region. I guess he knows, if Somalia is weak he is also weak. 


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Seems PM Abiy is trying to escape responsibility here which is not a good sign for what is to come. Eventually Tigray, Amhara and Ethiopia will come to the negotiating table, but it seems that Abiy has no plans to be part of that, as he is moving the goal post further away even after loosing his plot in Tigray. 

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Tigray niman si fudud looga adkaan karo maha. Nimankani wa asxaabulfeelki. They will fight and fight until the bitter end. They destroyed mengistu. What makes u think a small galla boy they trained can enslave them. 

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