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Mirqaan in Hargeisa -Very funny

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loooooooooooooool@ Kabilla hooyadii waxay aheyd islaan langhade ah oo iligaa la' oo rer-Brazil ah, oo Maradonaa abti u ahaa! :D:D

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Did you hear the local political 'experts' analysis. Udub basbaas bay is marisay...looooooooooooooooooooooo!! :D


Norf sent me this in PM.

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax:

loooooooooooooool@ Kabilla hooyadii waxay aheyd islaan langhade ah oo iligaa la' oo rer-Brazil ah, oo Maradonaa abti u ahaa!

did you see the other guy's reaction? :D


"kan miyiga ka yimid oo labo neef watey baa siyaasad inooga sheekeenaya" :D

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looooooool @ marka jaadka la isku haysto! Booto qåldaan dheh abidkay cid ka booto badan waligeey ma arag indhaha faraha la iska galgalini lays caayi haddana cid is taabaneysana arki maysid. classical!! Anyway very funy guys I love this bit


A: war ma qadeysay?

B: maya

A: war qadada iyo qaadka waa marba ki horeeya e iska sayri...iska sayri


--------------------- and this


A: Anig booliseeshan ban ahayn anigu

B: war miyaanu is aqoonin?

A: iminka xisbiga Udub basbaas ayuu is-mariyey basbaskina wuxuu mariyey meeshii ku haboonayd, dabetana saabuu [cirka] u duulayo cidiba way gaari weydey

C: samaduu u baxay?

B: haayo .....koow dheh, Udub & Ucid midna basbaki labada indhoob buu ka mariyey midna labada dheggood midna saas un buu leeyay [indhahu masaxaya] midna saa un bu leeya [dhagahu masaxaya]


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Lol@ the wad of baseball size khat on their cheeks..It is harmless now, but damn it will F-up their aesthetics few years down the road!

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