
Better than nothing

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If it was up to me, jaad meesha uu doono haka yimaadee dalkeena uma ogoladeen.

Having said that, this new deal between Soomaaliya iyo Xabashada is better than the status quo. Diyaarado daroogo wado ayaa iyagoo doolarkooda wato noqon jiray. Hadda haddii la saaraayo malaay see doolar u soo celiyaan, I welcome it. I just hope more malaay to be sent than jaadka la keenaayo.

I think Kiikuuyada too arrintaan ayaa xujo loogu dhigi doonaa as well. I don't think they will accept it, though, which is good - no more jaad. 

Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya oo Muqdisho ku kala saxiixday heshiis ku saabsan ganacsiga kaluunka iyo qaadka


Dowladdaha Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya ayaa maanta oo Axad ah magaalada Muqdisho si rasmi ah ugu kala saxiixday heshiis ganacsi oo la isku dhaafsanayo kalluunka iyo qaadka.

Wasiirka Kalluumeysiga Soomaaliya Cabdillaahi Bidhan Warsame oo ay wehliyaan Wasiirka Gaadiidka iyo Duulista Hawada Duraan Axmed Faarax, safiirka Itoobiya u fadhiya Soomaaliya iyo marti sharaf kale ayaa ka soo qeyb galay saxiixa heshiiska ganacsi ee labada dal kaas oo kor u qaadi doona xiriirka ganacsi.

Shixnaddii ugu horreysay oo dhan 20,000 tan oo kalluun ah oo Soomaaliya ay leedahay ayaa maanta loo diray dalka Itoobiya.

Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa sheegtay heshiiskaan ganacsi oo ay la galeen Itoobiya inuu abuuri doono mashaariic horumarineed, ilo dhaqaale iyo ganacsi badeecaddeed.

Wasiirka kalluumaysiga Soomaaliya, Cabdullaahi Bidhaan, ayaa sheegay heshiiskaan inuu ganacsatada Soomaaliyeed ee kalluuunka ka caawinayo in ay si sharci ah dalka Itoobiya ugu dhoofin karaan wax soosaarkooda.

“Howshani waa bilow. Dad badan ayaa laga yaabaa in ay maqlaan qaadka Kenya maxaa loo joojiyay? Qaadka Kenya waxaa loo joojiyay, dowladda Kenya waxay naga diiday in aan annaga wax u dhoofino dalkooda. Gacmuhu waxay ku fiican yihiin in ay wax isweydaarsadaan,” ayuu yiri wasiir Bidhaan.  

Safiirka Itoobiya u fadhiya Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay heshiiskaan inuu isku dheellitirayo ganacsiga labada dal uuna mustaqbalka dhow horseedayo in ay shacabka labada dal ku liibaanaan.

“Waxaan maanta taariikhda markii ugu horaysay daahfurnay ganacsiga kheyraadka badda ah, kaasoo tusaale u ah in labada dal ay aad u xiisanaynaan in xiriirka lasii kordhiyo,”ayuu yiri safiirka.

Toddobaadkii hore, wasiirro ka tirsan dowladda federaalka iyo koox ganacsato Itoobiyaan iyo Turki ah ayaa socod ku soo maray degmada qadiimiga ah ee Warsheekh ee gobolka Shabeellada Dhexe, iyagoo soo indha indheeyay maalgashi iyo fursado ganacsi oo kalluunka laga heli karo. 

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Trade between countries does not work like this, where else you find  trading drugs with goods? Kaluunka iyo nafaqo dadkeena raba!

Extremely bad idea .

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18 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:

Trade between countries does not work like this, where else you find  trading drugs with goods? Kaluunka iyo nafaqo dadkeena raba!

Extremely bad idea .

Actually it is a great idea. Instead of exchanging hard currency for that awful drug the Ethiopians will now be given what is a free and unlimited resource for us creating employment for the Somali youth in the process. Our fish used to taken by foreign trawlers without any benefit for us. But now, our fishermen will be paid US dollars and their catch loaded onto planes which delivered the jaad. Hopefully in the near future the Somali men will realise the stupidity of consuming this drug and our fish then be exchanged for $$ from Ethiopia. 

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7 hours ago, Tallaabo said:

Actually it is a great idea. Instead of exchanging hard currency for that awful drug the Ethiopians will now be given what is a free and unlimited resource for us creating employment for the Somali youth in the process. Our fish used to taken by foreign trawlers without any benefit for us. But now, our fishermen will be paid US dollars and their catch loaded onto planes which delivered the jaad. Hopefully in the near future the Somali men will realise the stupidity of consuming this drug and our fish then be exchanged for $$ from Ethiopia. 

Tallaabo, Kan Kenya wax lagu bedesho ma la waayey? 

instead of beating the bush, this is social evil, and fuels and takes part prolonged status of SOMALIA. Total ban is necessary. Else, Kenya's  Miraa must be also allowed.

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