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London Police Apologize for Shooting Innocent Man

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London Police Apologize for Shooting Innocent Man

By Michael Drudge


24 July 2005


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Identification card of Jean Charles de Menezes

London's police chief has apologized to the family of a Brazilian man shot to death during a police manhunt for suspects in a bungled bombing of the mass transit network.



The killing of a 27-year-old Brazilian, Jean Charles de Menezes, has become an international incident, and has set back police efforts to reach out to disaffected British Muslims.


Police shot and killed Mr. Menezes on a subway train Friday during a manhunt for four suspects in the attempted bombing of three subway cars and a bus one day earlier.


Witnesses say Mr. Menezes was wearing an unseasonably heavy coat, and was running away from plainclothes police officers moments before he was fatally shot. Police sources say officers feared he had explosives hidden under the coat.


On Sunday, London Police Commissioner, Ian Blair, offered an apology during interview with Sky News.

Ian Blair offers apology during interview with Sky News


"The Metropolitan Police accepts the full responsibility for this. And to the family, I can only express our deep regrets," he said. "But I think it is also important to recognize that the underlying causes of this are not a police action or a police policy or procedures, but actually the fact that we have terrorists using suicide as a weapon on the streets of London and below the streets of London and that is the context in which we are operating."


Mr. Menezes's body was identified by his cousin, Alex Pereira, who is in no mood to accept regrets from the police.


"He had nothing to hide from anyone and I tell you, it is incompetence, it could be you, it could be anyone," said Mr. Pereira.


The revelation that London police have shoot-to-kill orders for suspected suicide bombers has angered some segments of Britain's Muslim community, particularly younger Muslims, who have been under scrutiny since July 7, when four young British Muslim suicide bombers killed 52 people in attacks on London's transport network.


But other Muslim community leaders say they understand the pressure police are under, as explained by the founder of London's Muslim College, Zaki Badawi.


"I sympathize with the police. These are exceptional circumstances, and what happened to the Brazilian is regrettable, but understandable in the circumstances," he said.


In another development, police are investigating links between the July 7 bombers and the four men who are still at large after Thursday's failed bombing attempts. Operators of a white-water rafting company in Wales say two men from each group recently participated together in a river trip there.

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Originally posted by SOO MAAL:

How about if he was muslim?

However innocent, if he were a mere Muslim even in name, He would probably be "linked" [somehow - someway] to terrorism, just to avoid this kind of scandal of police incompetence. That is the sad reality out there today. Muslims are victims in both cases, one from terrorism, and the other blind suspicion. DOUBLE tragedy..


Can I just raise for nomads in London to consider alternative transport whenever possible.

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Originally posted by SOO MAAL:

"But I think it is also important to recognize that the underlying causes of this are not a police action or a police policy or procedures, but actually the fact that we have terrorists using suicide as a weapon on the streets of London and below the streets of London and that is the context in which we are operating."

Which means,"it's not our fault,it's the terrorists fault."

Isn't there a thread going on about this problem right now?

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Let us have a little more hysteria please. Read the article below. How dare they? Heh.



Free holiday for shooting officer



A police officer involved in the fatal shooting of an innocent Brazilian man at a London Tube station has been given a holiday paid for by Scotland Yard.

Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair personally authorised the break for the officer and his family.


Jean Charles de Menezes was shot eight times at Stockwell on Friday after fleeing three undercover officers who mistook him for a suicide bomber.


The body of Mr Menezes, 27, is due to be flown back to Brazil on Wednesday.


Non-firearm duties


The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) is investigating the death.


Mr Menezes was shot seven times in the head and once in the shoulder after apparently refusing police demands to stop.


They had suspected him of being a suicide bomber, but it later transpired the electrician had no connection to terrorism.


The officers have been moved to non-firearm duties for the duration of the IPCC probe, expected to take several months.


A Scotland Yard spokesman said: "An officer has had a break paid for by the Metropolitan Police, authorised by the commissioner, to allow him to take his wife and family away from the family home."


One of the other officers is already on a family holiday.


Return of body


Relatives and friends of Mr Menezes have marched in his Brazilian hometown of Gonzaga, calling for arrests over the killing.


The victim's family has also consulted lawyers about possible legal action against the police.


Relatives are due to accompany the body on the flight to Brazil on Wednesday. A family funeral will take place there later.


Sir Ian told Channel Four News on Tuesday that the shooting had been a "dreadful mistake" but that police had to protect the public.


A "shoot-to-kill" policy for UK police dealing with suicide bombers, codenamed Operation Kratos, was introduced six months after the 11 September 2001 attacks.


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