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lool, saxiixeeyga since I joined here ayaan watey, waxbana lala qeebsan maayo, my avator and saxiix never change, just like the name, they stay forever and naturaale waaye :D


JB aawey hakuugu yeeree mini-AT&T smile.gif

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ka daa dee ninka saas, Jacaylbaro waa Sheikha SOL u qaabilsan umuuraha mutawaatirka ah ee godlada.



Waxaan u maleenayaa saaxiibkeen AT&T soonkii baa ka adkaadey

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godlada????? LOOOOOOOOOL war adigan ma virus ibti ku dhacay miyaa ku hele'ay???



waa taan hore ku iri A&T qunyar socod buu noqday, just in case he gets bombed by these american moderators on sol.

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^^ hada ma waxaad ileedahay erayga godlada garan maayo, godlada waxaa loo isticmaalaa geela, hasha kolkey godlato maadan maqal miyaa wali,



niyahow nin geel jiraan kuu heestee waa sidee



LOOL@viruskii ibti

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Warya enuune, waxaad tahay reer magal doonta bada joogta beenta ka sheegah :D



anigu waxaan ahay geel jire lakin waxaad ugu yeerayso 'godlada' ma aqaan. haddii aad ula jeedo markii hashu tahay diyaar in la liso, anigu wax kalaan u aqaan.


lakiin anigu waan ogahay inaad adigu tahay godadle :D

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Waxbaa ka dhacay ,,


Ninkan sayid ah magaca nuune ku adkaa ..... wax ay ka tahayba wuu la rafanayaa horta imika.


Isn't godadle the name ONLY women use for men ??



Waaban shakiyay markanaa ,,, :D

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maxaa ka shakiday?

Isn't godadle the name ONLY women use for men ??

hence why Ibti dubbed him as such, besides i didn't say it, i just wrote it - there is a difference ya hilib cune

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Walee waan shakiyay anigu ,,,,,,


You say it when talking and you still say it when you're writing sxb. Here we don't speak in SOL but we write to say it. :D

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