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Our trip to Somaliland :)

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Ibti, not really, is because you made alot of improvements, and I am glad the Somali you are writing now is way better than what you used to write!

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^^ Last time I won with my hands behind my back. In fact, find the thread I want to see if Norf did finally translate something. :D

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^^You mean there was time my somali was worse?? Lol



Dee taag yaa waax kuu faalahay, all day waan tegayeh buu leeyeh. Taag oo waax haa naga tegin weliba. :D


Ngonge what did happen last time, dig up the thread. I did not take part last time remember. I was being a nerd.

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Originally posted by Ibtisam:


Dee taag yaa waax kuu faalahay, all day waan tegayeh buu leeyeh. Taag oo waax haa naga tegin weliba.


Just got visions of 'Oday Shirwac' talking. :D

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Ngonge, I'm remind of when I was younger and would accidently kick the ball into the garden of our next door neighbour but one. The guy used to have an Eagle. It was always in his house and whenever he brought it out it was strapped to his arm. This didn't stop me from making sure the ball didn't go into that garden :D

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even when i quit whilst i am ahead, i can't get you guys to leave me alone!!!


i see people are still goating me to fight during ramadaan.



Wakh Wakh iyo Waali iyo Cajiiba mantey kay isugu darmeen.


enuuN: anigu wax ma qasooh, duulinimada labka iyo qaska adaa lagugu yaqaan

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