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Our trip to Somaliland :)

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Ibtisaam lool, I have seen maroodi feet, by the way, wax kastoo fiican maroodi ayaa lagu tilmaamaa, saas ogoow :D



Sayid, it is Ramadan sxb, don't concentrate on the legs abooryahow, waxaad ruugtaad dooneysaa, there is no legs there.



PS: Why JB posted that picture?, it is not qualified as picture anyway.

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^^^Why? You understood I was asking you if you was not fasting soo maah?


I mean you could not possible have misunderstood it, even if it means something else.

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Ibti ehehe, maya huuno, been maba aqaano aniga, waan arkey maroodi, libaax, face to face, and am series.


Sayid, gabadha adiga wey kaa badisaa af soomaaliga, daacad beyna iga tahay

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He is going to come back and have a fit, and tell us he is a Somali teacher! :D lol baal you wait and see. He'll be out raged. icon_razz.gif


Nuune see waaxan sheegaye. Baahaash galaan baad ku miisaysaa already. :D

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^^Maaxaad laa qoosli eh laa qax qax ledehy?, It is true, he is in danger of becoming beenawaas. :(


My brother is starting to show symptoms of compulsive online liar. Taaro dadeer aya uu kuu diseye.

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I am absolutely outraged - :mad: :mad: :mad: what is with you people? baby & hilib cune - or is true what ngonge said about her being a witch? did she put on spell on you lot- that makes you guys think everything she says/writes is the holy cow??

eh? come on??


Quraan may din ku akhriya??



:D put an E at the end and you'll see what i mean about her somali :mad:


BTW she might even speak (i doubt it) better somali than me, but she hell can't write to save her life - unless she is doing this deliberately in hope that it may come as being cute and inoccent (which she is obviously succedding in doing)

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Nuune: yes but that is because you are laughing at me!


JB: Qaadow. say iy again.


Sayid: I corrected that, and why would you write letters that are no there. I did not write an "e" at the end, you could just as easily add the missing "a" (which is no longer missing by the way!)


Ngonge never called me a witch! Stop spreading lies. :rolleyes:


As for you allegations. Isku baax, waa bilaa cute iyo waaxad sheektey. I'm libaaxad maax cute iiso arakey!

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