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Eggs For Sale

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Castro, this "fight fight!" attitude you have is scary. In school you were that kid who went back and forth between two angry kids, arranging the place and time for them to duke it out.


Blessed are peacekeepers.

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^ If only I were that lucky in school. I was at the receiving end of most punches. But on here I like to spice things up, you know. Bring out the best (or worst) in solers. There's nothing like raw nerves and flared tempers on an electronic forum over some important, but mostly trivial, issues. It's fascinating. :D


As you were.


Originally posted by Cara:

are peacekeepers.


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originally posted by Cara:


In what way are your views more relevant than mine?


since when do you speak for anyone but yourself?

First, I'm not bothered about how you feel about me; I know how (you as non-Muslim) must feel about me (as Muslim). To answer some of the points you've raised in between your hate-lines...


1) Our views are governed by Islamic law, hence, those in line with Islamic laws are more relevant than, say for example yours.


2) I can speak for Muslims in religious matters as long as it's not in conflict with the Qur'an and Sunnah; but as for those who deviate, I can naturally not. Therefore I can say: We Muslims don't do, say or believe such and such. We believe in one Allah, and we have one Qur'an and one Sunnah.



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Let's not get childish and mundane, S.O.S. The original question was "But would you sale your egg's if you really needed the money and our deen wasnt against it at all?" As such your views as a man are irrelevant, whether you are Muslim or not. You simply wanted to make a personal attack on me and this was as good a venue as any. I'm sure you would have responded the same way if I'd mentioned a preference for mustard over mayonaise.


And believe me, how I feel about you has nothing to do with your religion and everything to do with your conduct. But nice martyrdom complex there.

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The original question was "But would you sale your egg's if you really needed the money and our deen wasnt against it at all?" As such your views as a man are irrelevant, whether you are Muslim or not

The question here only becomes relevant on the condition implied, namely, if our deen wasnt against it as you noted yourself (and not if you were not men). The "Deen" we're talking about is Islam, and as such, this discussion is inherently an Islamic one, and therefore it's you as a non-muslim who's out of place and order here. Also since there's one Islam for both genders, your attempts to play the gender-card will be a futile one.


You simply wanted to make a personal attack on me and this was as good a venue as any. I'm sure you would have responded the same way if I'd mentioned a preference for mustard over mayonaise.

What personal attack? Are not confusing yours for mine?


how I feel about you has nothing to do with your religion and everything to do with your conduct

What conduct?


martyrdom complex or me?



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Common sense dictates that when some one says "Would you sell your eggs?" that the respondent actually have eggs to sell. In addition, when the questioner already sets aside the issue of it's permissiveness under Islamic law by stating "if you really needed the money and our deen wasn't against it?", than whether there's one Islam or a neat dozen is irrelevant. Do you struggle this much with basic everyday logic?


Let's say a Muslim girl says she would sell her eggs if it wasn't against Islamic law. Would you then consider her views immoral? As in, even if it isn't unIslamic it is still wrong for her to do it? If not, then where exactly are you coming from?

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Originally posted by S.O.S:

I said, if I remember it correctly:


Non-Muslims do that (referring to her opinion of willing to sell her eggs for money) as they do other immoral and unethical acts; furthermore, I reminded her that we are Muslims and don't attach much weight or significance to her opinion (regarding the above stated), so it would make sense, I suggested to her, to take her opinions to likeminded people.


So, dear moderators, what rule(s) did I break there?

SOS, although the gist of what u first wrote remains, the angle and intent are different. Your post was personal. I saved it on my desktop cause I had a feeling u'd come back and want a justification. I can PM it to you if you like.

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originally posted by Cara:


Let's say a Muslim girl says she would sell her eggs if it wasn't against Islamic law. Would you then consider her views immoral?

If I was Superman I would fly, be the fastest man and catch bullets on my chest. Would you consider me Superman? Wouldn't being Superman or not be subject to my abilities to fly, beam laser from my eyes and catch bullets with my chest (assuming only Supermen could do that)?


Here, if we were non-Muslims, we would be immoral and unethical beings. Can you understand that immorality is subject to being non-Muslim (or ones ability to deny, disbelief or refuse to act according to Islamic laws)?


I know cannot teach logic to someone who doesn't even recognise her Creator, but you're all over the place now. One thing though, I can always buy eggs from, say someone like you, and sell on as a middle man; therefore, I too, can sell eggs in one way or the other!




I still don't believe that I said anything deserving of deletion... I personally think that you've been too quick with your judgement; it may help to take few more seconds to think over next time ;)

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Originally posted by S.O.S:

Here, if we were non-Muslims, we would be immoral and unethical beings. Can you understand that immorality is subject to being non-Muslim (or ones ability to deny, disbelief or refuse to act according to Islamic laws)?

The fact that u spelled it out like that is the reason why I KNOW u will not understand why I deleted what u wrote. Immorality is not exclusive to non-Muslims! Nor is it their life's purpose. How extraordinary your statement- and this is what made me delete your words, that u put Cara and non-Muslims, one, in the same basket and two in a basket of the immoral. Is the world black or white?


I know cannot teach logic to someone who doesn't even recognise her Creator, but you're all over the place now.


Belief and logic do not stem from the same place. I do not believe that as a child you belive in Allah because it's logical, u believe what u are told and obey your parents' commands and take on their beliefs. It is as you get older that logic cements the belief into place. And what a glorious feeling it is.


But even as adults there comes a point when logic doesn't explain it all and belief holds us willing captives.


It is YOU that should think before u cast judgement, do not let self-righteousness and sweeping statements sully your faith.


I am still willing to send you your deleted post.

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Originally posted by S.O.S:

Here, if we were non-Muslims, we would be immoral and unethical beings. Can you understand that immorality is subject to being non-Muslim (or ones ability to deny, disbelief or refuse to act according to Islamic laws)?

My dear brother in Islam, you may be otherwise moral and ethical but in this topic, right here and now, you're way out of line and your aggression is as naked as your logic. It happens to the best of us, I can't fault you for the fervor, but you've been politely asked to let it go in subtle and not so subtle ways but now you're just being asinine. Kindly take your moral and ethical behind elsewhere coz you're barking in the wrong park, let alone up the wrong tree.

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Immorality is not exclusive to non-Muslims! Nor is it their life's purpose. How extraordinary your statement- and this is what made me delete your words, that u put Cara and non-Muslims, one, in the same basket and two in a basket of the immoral. Is the world black or white?

Immorality may not be exclusive to non-Muslims, but it's always present in non-Muslims since they have no Devine guidance to prevent them from behaving immorally and unethically. A) What crime did I commit if I put Cara in the non-Muslim basket? After all, it's not a secret that she's a non-Muslim! B) What's wrong with putting non-Muslims who're willing to sell their eggs in the basket of immorality? And btw YES the world knows two divisions; it's called belief and disbelief rather than black or white!


Belief and logic do not stem from the same place. I do not believe that as a child you belive in Allah because it's logical, u believe what u are told and obey your parents' commands and take on their beliefs. It is as you get older that logic cements the belief into place. And what a glorious feeling it is.

Belief and logic do stem from the same place! Children believe what they're told because they lack sense of logic as their mind and conscious is not fully developed like you indicated. But if belief is not logic, then soon those children will abandon their beliefs as soon as they develop their logic senses. However, there's only one logic belief, namely, Islam. All other beliefs have nothing to do with logic.


It is YOU that should think before u cast judgement, do not let self-righteousness and sweeping statements sully your faith.

Likewise ;)


I know what I said... if you must PM me, but you've got it all wrong.


P.S. What's your problem Castro? Your advice is not very much appriciated, and I thought you bowed out earlier, so why are you still here?

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Originally posted by S.O.S:

If I was Superman I would fly, be the fastest man and catch bullets on my chest. Would you consider me Superman?



Yes but I first need to see you pull off those stunts.




Here, if we were non-Muslims, we would be immoral and unethical beings.



Since both morality and ethics aren't the inventions of Islam, I fail to see what, if any, credence I should lend to your claim above. Perhaps you can enlighten us by telling us HOW muslims are spared morality and ethics shortcomings. FYI, I can easily demonstrate the contrary.



Can you understand that immorality is subject to being non-Muslim (or ones ability to deny, disbelief or refuse to act according to Islamic laws)?



Not only is it impossible for me to understand, I know it to be false. The Hammurabi Code of Law wasn't written by muslims and yet it enjoined binding moral and ethical laws on its subject. Go figure!




I know cannot teach logic to someone who doesn't even recognise her Creator, but you're all over the place now.



Logic and truth are two separate things. Sometimes they agree, other times they don't. For example this is logically sound or correct syllogism:



All birds fly

penguins are birds

Therefore, penguins can fly


... logically it's flawless, the conclusion follows from the premise. But we know it's not true because from observation we are aware penguins can't fly. This is why science relies on inductive logic as opposed to deductive logic as our knowledge is imperfect, conclusions are only tentatively drawn their fate hanging on observational results.


Here is logical syllogism that is both factually true and logically sound:


All cars have engines

Hond civic is a car

Therefore, Honda civic has an engine



I think my Homer Simpson Course at Mickey Mouse University will help you immeasurably.

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