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Peasants and Skyscrapers

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Dubai to have at least six supertowers by '15

By Saifur Rahman, Business News Editor




Dubai: The fast-changing Dubai skyline will sport at least six "supertowers" of more than 100 habitable floors, more than any other city in the world, as per information available.


The supertowers are Burj Dubai (where work continues after the completion of 126 floors), Burj Al Alam (slated to rise to 108 floors), the 101-storey Marina 101, Princess Tower (107 floors), the 120-storey Pentominium and Al Burj (which is expected to have between 180 and 200 floors).


Most of these buildings are in various stages of planning and construction although Burj Dubai - tipped to become the world's tallest tower - is powering ahead, adding a floor a week, and at least three others are in the early stages of construction. Work on Al Burj is not expected to start until Burj Dubai, whose height and floor-level are closely-guarded secrets, is completed.









So Dubai will remain in the news for developing supertowers until at least 2015. No city other than Dubai and Chicago hosts more than one supertower.


Chicago has two - the 108-storey Sears Towers and the 100-storey John Hancock Center. A third, the 118-floor 7 South Dearborn tower, is under construction.


The development of six "supertowers" will raise Dubai's stature among the world's megacities, not only in terms of height, but also beauty, aesthetics and design quality, architects and designers say.


Apart from Burj Dubai or Al Burj, which will probably be remembered more for their towering heights, Burj Al Arab, Dancing Towers and Dubai Towers might be photographed by tourists for their striking design and aesthetic appeal.


"When we design, we design the present, which shapes the future. It is about shaping a contemporary world," Karim Rashid, Designer with Karim Rashid Inc of the US, said at an IDF panel yesterday.


In terms of development, Dubai has one of the highest number of towers and skyscrapers under construction including hundreds on both sides of Shaikh Zayed Road, while more than 1,850 will be constructed at the Dubai World Central Airport City in Jebel Ali.


By 2015, Dubai will have six "supertowers" that will rise more than 100 habitable floors making it the only city with so many towers with more than 100 floors once completed, according to available information.


These are Burj Dubai, which has already reached 126 floors and is still going strong; Burj Al Alam, slated to rise to 108 floors; the 101 storey Marina 101; Princess Tower with 107 floors; the 120-storey Pentominium and Al Burj which, as "one of the tallest towers" is expected to be between 180 and 200 floors.


Apart from these, a number of skyscrapers that will rise 80-100 floors are being built, including the 90-storey Marina 23 by ETA Star and the 90-storey Al Sharq Tower on Shaikh Zayed Road - all iconic projects.


When completed, the number of supertowers in the city will be more than those developed in the rest of the world.



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Do you not think that their wealth could be better spent on other ventures rather than competing on who own a taller skyscraper?

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Of course i do, laakin they also arguably do alot for charity to be far to them.


These super projects are getting over the top by the day,,,,,,,,

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That is the reason for my silly people remark.


Soon enough the oil will run dry and then what? Tourism? There is only so much one can see in a desert, and why go see artificial wonders when you can escape to the real things in other locations?


Their extravagance will catch up with them sooner or later. Norway and the emirates have about the same wealth (both mainly from oil), difference is Norway has saved enough to sustain their country and people for the next 50 years, to the point that every man, woman and child could live comfortably without having to work a day. Can the emirates make such a claim?


Also, in a bid to win over the minds of westerners they're selling their souls, loosing their identity slowly.


The charity they give is miniscule compared to their wealth. I don’t deserve any praise for giving $10 in sadaqa for I should be giving more.


I'm all for Muslim success northerner, but at the same time it has to be sustainable- they should learn a few things from Malaysia.

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You are right in many respects. The gradual decline in their daqan is very evident where people talk of cars and how much they spent last month and on what.


I suppose money (huge amounts of it) will make people slightly 'kibir' laakin these guys are stretching the kibir.


These project are getting out of hand. Every day you hear of new projects with freehold for anyone who wants to buy.


Ajman's law stipulates that only Muslims may purchase in that Emirate. Gotta love the little place.


Why I'm I complaining? :rolleyes:

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Perhaps one day soon they'll wake up- i sure hope they do before it's too late and they loose it all to kibir and stupidhnimo.

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what goes up must come down, iska ilaali hana korin daarahaas North, hadaa naftaada rabtid.

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LoL@ hada naftada rabtid.


Fair enough when it’s dark it looks pretty, but the sky scrapers are a bit gloomy during the day. Most of Dubai is still a construction site…I don’t see what’s the love affair with tall buildings. Surely the wealth could be spent more constructively.







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^^You get your land from the sheikh for free. You get a loan from the bank and develop the area sell then it before the first foundations have been put in. Then you move on with the profit.


Easy money.

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And how does one get involved in such money North? I'd like shares in them. The things I would do with the profits...*Drifts off thinking about swimming in easy money aah*

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