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SOLers your advise please!

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^^^Loool in that case, don't worry, she will not die for you. A little heartach is good for everyone now and then. It will make her stronger. Naa nagata kuu deeh. icon_razz.gif


P.s. Seriously caad maaha, that is not normal.


P.s.s. Congrats on your other upcoming event. smile.gif

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loool..Ibtisam thanks saaxib.


The thing is I have been able to keep her quite for a while, because I would tell her I am busy with school, I was really. But since it's summer and school is closed I have no other excuse to fall back on or not answer the phone. She leaves me with all sorts of messeges. She calls my sister when I don't answer(she knows my whole family).


Ps. You said 2. I actually wanted to marry little bit ago. People started to call me insane. I opt out the last minute. The other girl was from Hargeysa that I wanted to get married to. I took my uncle with me to her family, they said yes we gave them the gabaati. We were almost about to get married when things went crazy with her family and mind, because they found out that I was also arranging to have a second wife and possibly third. :D No joke. I have....

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Originally posted by Ibtisam:

^^^I promise you, miidaan ii raabiin, regardless of my feelings, iskumaan tuuren. Nor would he be on a forum asking people yaa taan iga furfura!
Waax kaal ee sheek, but not this.

L0L,Bravado Bravado! Clearly(and rightly so),You have never been biten by the love bug. Just wait till that suave casanova literally makes you throw up.(butterflies,anyone?)

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^^^^Sheeko^^^ No sir.


Red Sea

Nin Aadaan baan caadi eehin. What is a young man who just finished school, going to do with three wives. Can you seriously fulfil your duty to all of them? You seem to think it is all a big joke. I'm going to laugh when I see you adigo iislaa haadlyeh few years down the line because of all those kids and 3 wives. Riwaad baad heese yaa Red Sea.


HEre is my advise, get ride of all of them and start again, look for just one that makes you happy, not three halfs.


P.s.s. I cannot believe you was not going to tell them! about their family found out, I hope they chased you with buudu!


P.s.s.s Do you have any respect for women? Do they mean anything to you?? or you just want a collection? :confused:


P.s.s.s.s. Your family baa kaa daraan, they know all this and are helping you with it!! :D Yaab

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^^ no walal. I do respect offcourse. Just because I seek more doesn't mean I have no respect for them. I actually love women so much that I feel getting with each one that crawls on this planet. Well not really.


Offcourse, I do treat them with respect, and I am sure if I ever married more than one, I would treat them with equal amount of respect. Don't be fooled by those who say that one who marries more than one has no respect for women. I actually give more respect to women than those who advocate for women's rights like Oprah and Tyra Banks. You have seen on their show how they say going naked in front of the camera is suppose to make you feel free and boost your confidence. When in reality they just want to get their tv ratings up and could give flying pig about benefits of women. So it all depends from which prespective you looks things from.


ps. There is only 1 now walale. They are all gone except this one that still around. But that girl in Hargeysa was way back and it's all over.

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^^^Does she know you history?? and the fact you want to get with every women in this world? :D Please innta been haa uu sheegin. I feel for her miskeenad! lol


Respect have nothing to do with going naked on TV dear. I was just thinking about the fact you thought you can lie to them and their families about their intensions!


In addition I just don't see how on earth you even thought you have the mental capability to handle 3women. I mean check if you can handle one first, then you can add them.


Ruunta sheek, you wanted one big wedding for all three right?


Allah that one haa kuu barakeyo.

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NO NO not big wedding for all. Just whatever I could afford for each.


Saaxib, what do you think I should have said to her parents 'Hey folks, in case you don't know by now, I am planning to get few more girls like yours''mon. The girl knew about it and she is the one that gave me the green light so I thought that is all I needed. And religiously speaking that is all the approval you need. So I don't think I lied to anyone. Waxba maqariyo anigu.

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^^WEll of course she was okay with it! She was miiskinnad yaar, maaxad ku arkhriidey?? Pluz she lives in HArgisa, you mixed a bit of America engris iyo af caarbi and somali, she though you was sunshine. :rolleyes: I'm glad her family were more grounded and looking out for their daughter, mashallah.


Religiously speaking you did not answer my question. Did you really think you can take up 3wives, assuming role and responsibility fairly for each to the standard they were use to?

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If I wasn't confident enought to take care of them all and be responsible for my spouses, I wouldn't attempt it. I had strong family ties as well as I was a person that can be entrusted with someone else. The age just killed me that is it. They assumed I couldn't care for their daughter. That girl and I grew up together and even fled to the hawd during the Hargeysa wars. She still lives back home and I do keep in touch. :D


Ps. I learned my little English just few years ago. I left home only the year of 1998 and I arrived here in the states early 2001.

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If I wasn't confident enought to take care of them all and be responsible for my spouses, I wouldn't attempt it. I had strong family ties as well as I was a person that can be entrusted with someone else. The age just killed me that is it. They assumed I couldn't care for their daughter.

Try again :confused:

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Religiously speaking you did not answer my question. Did you really think you can take up 3wives, assuming role and responsibility fairly for each to the standard they were use to?

In the past yes. But since my senses got hold of me, I am now not into that anymore. However that is only at the moment though. You never know what I will do in the future.

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It's always hard, isn't it. Well, May Allah make it easy on you and guide you to the right choice. What we think isn't best for us may in fact be the antithesis; so pray.

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I would like to give u an advice buddy..but i can't read somali, therefore i don't know what the problem, all i know its about relationship thats all. so can anyone plz translate..

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