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something for 2003,it is your horoscope,somali horoscope!!

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Mizz-Unique i beLieve it says "get ready in the future(some time in your Life) you wiLL become some sort of an engineer whether you Like it or not,you wiLL be made to Like it".I dont know i couLd be wrong-someone HeLp!


Where did you get marry from?

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THRUSDAY(Khamiis): waad khayr badantahay maadaama aad khamiis dhalatay,qof waxaad ahaan jirtay diinta iyo dalka jecel laakiinse waxaa kaa muuqato dal naceeb iyo diintii aad hilmaantay iyo waliba dhaqankii oo aayar aayar kaaga siibanaayo amaba aad hilmaamayso,haddaysan aheen barakada aad qabtid daraadeed waad fallaagoobi laheed mar hore,shaqadaadu waa dhanka dhakhtarnimada isku diyaari maadaama aadan jecleen dhanka caafimaadka,alla bari.

....hmmm u know in a strange (and weird) way this somehow is a bit relevant but some things like, waxaa kaa muuqato dal naceeb iyo diintii aad hilmaantay iyo waliba dhaqankii oo aayar aayar kaaga siibanaayo amaba aad hilmaamayso, couldn't be more off the point. I absolutely love my dal and dhaqan, war feeraha bey iga qorantahay hadaan kugu dhaho nooh!? But its funny though especially about that doctor part...had my eye on that direction for quite a while, either that or psychology....


hmmm weird, very weird...

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