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Gloucester Muslims tell Blunkett to resign

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Yeah lol they are becoming even more blatant these days.




Blunkett in contempt?



By: Channel 4 News


The Attorney General is to look at comments made by Home Secretary David Blunkett about the arrest of a terror suspect in Gloucester, following concerns that they could be in contempt of court.




Mr Blunkett said that Sajid Badat posed a "very real threat to the life and liberty of our country". Last night the chair of the Bar Council Mattias Kelly told this programme, that the Home Secretary's comments could be prejudicial to any future trial.



On Saturday, 24-year-old Sajid Badat was still being questioned in London's Paddington Green Police Station. He's being held under the prevention of Terrorism Act.



According to the police a small amount of explosives was recovered from his address in Gloucester, where detectives are continuing their search of Badat's home.



The police have until Monday to charge Sajid Badat, they must then release him, or to apply to magistrates for further time to question him.



And today the Home Secretary, David Blunkett, came under pressure after the Attorney General's office said it is to look at comments he made about what had been uncovered.



Peter Goldsmith, the Attorney General, will look at whether the Home Secretary's remarks were in contempt of court.



On Friday night, on Channel Four News, the chairman of the Bar Council suggested that Mr Blunketts comments could be prejudicial to any future trial.



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I really feel for the brother, he was guilty before he was put in the cells, and the whole country thought so without even letting him speak!

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Yeah i agree bro, but i always always rejoice when i see such on goals commited by these MP's smile.gif because it reminds you (if u need reminding) that even if ur a role model citizen you will always be viewed with suspision.

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Bloody immigrants.. Go back to where you came from!


I'm starting to like ^^^ phrase. Lets be honest England ain't ours. Go back to where your needed, wanted and respected...

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^^^good idea, if it was stable enough back home


I just hope the brother pulls thru,,,,,99.9% of the media have portrayed him as evil/guilty already,,,,,headlines like show bomber pal charged etc make it worse,,,,,

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