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Fellow Londoners

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There's not much to do in the wintertime if you don't care for skiing or hockey, so why not oversize ourselves? :D


Sheh, Mum's from Leicester.

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Originally posted by Legend of Zu:

This thread is turning to Trolls 2


Londoners! Suckers! Suffer!


Finished a very productive day - watched the TV for the first time in weeks (excluding football matches)... Now annoying the shit out of londoners...i think my day is complete!



Are you that Surprised?



Where is Jacaylbaro these days?

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^^^lool, how evil, why? Only the old, pregnant, mothers, children and the fat will suffer, what have they done to you lately?



JAc is upset and has taken time off this site, everyone was having a go at him, making him feel down & low, and dismissing his threads! Constantly talking about how he floods the place. He said no more, I have had enough of these people who just moan!

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^^ Doesn't sound like him at all. Our Jac is not as thin skinned as you think. Ooh! Maybe you forget to post the last bit in his message. :D

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^^loool :D


He said when he does return he will be back with vengeance and he will post 10 threads every 5mins :D


I'm serious, he said he had enough, and is using few other forums to fill the time SOl took up. 3years of abuse is not being thin skinned Ngonge.

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North you are too fast for your own good! HAHa sorry. Jac must be laughin that he was missed to the extent that someone rang him! HAHa

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Originally posted by Ghanima:



He said when he does return he will be back with vengeance and he will post 10 threads every 5mins


I'm serious, he said he had enough, and is using few other forums to fill the time SOl took up. 3years of abuse is not being thin skinned Ngonge.

He's a big boy and is acutally very thick skinned. I dare say that if he were here now his only response to your words above would be: loooooooooooooooooooool :D

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^^loool^ :D right on the money there!



I have a question for people! is there anyone who does not have a phone?? I forgot my phone today :( I've never felt so lost, out of touch, unloved and lonely! Even worse the feeling of lack of control of my life and surroundings and cut off from everything and everyone. I realised when I got to work, and I entertained the thought of going home to get it! How does anyone function without a phone in this day and age?

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^^Hadhaa maa kadaab baa,you are online,on the phone while working? You truly have mastered the art of multi tasking! ;)

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