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Reconstitute the tribal lands

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Perhaps one of the key reasons why there is such a great instability in Africa is due to people of different tribal lines residing under same system, it was a well known fact that the colonial masters felt that controlling multi tribes was easier than controlling one strong entity (because they have many reasons to unite), the other issue that needs to be pointed is that usually the majority tribes suppress others, both politically and economically, the current situation in Kenya is a testament to how deep rooted tensions can break into national catastrophes, Rwanda, DR Congo and West African super powers have been in constant conflict ever since independence.


My suggestion for African Union:


To reengineer and abolish the nation states and return either to Large block Empires or divide the continent based on Peoples tribal Affiliation.

- The Hausa people in West Africa should reconstitute a new or rather a return to the old tribal nations residing in Benin, North Nigeria, Niger and etc.

- Oromos, Somalis Kikuyas, The Uruba can all form nations depending on where they reside.



Just a suggestion and a theory

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Well GJ nothing is perfect (apart from Islam) and you just hit the nail on the type of conflicts that can take place if nations where to be formed around tribal lines. However if you are going to choose between two evils you choose the lesser, although there might be external conflicts with other tribes, internally the tribe is unified and all parties in theory should work for the betterment of the tribe.

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^Sxb the African problem is poverty and not tribalisms, give them the jobs, the money and the investment... You would be suprised to see that every body will be busy with their own daily activities rather than dwelling on or talking about which tribe has the power thus richer...

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Thierry, i think the current system would be more stable and the other one letting every tribe would be disastrous. Kenyans is better off( however bad) living in a unified state with multiple tribes rather than letting every tribe going it's own way. These countries are still under the grip of indirect imperialism by Western States in terms of politics and economics. But if would get worser and perhaps States would be carved divided and used along clan enclaves. Of course it wouldn't a people like Somalia, if we were to get a whole state based on a ethnicity. But hasn't Somali experimented with letting every tribe be? I mean, we did and still have warlords, clan enclaves and indirect rule from other States over the lasr 17 years. The danger of that is we become a stateless people like the Oromo or Kurds.

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