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Counter-Terrorism in Somalia: Losing Hearts and Minds?11 July 2005

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This sounds prophetical...if you know what i mean......


From a jihadi perspective, Yusuf's rash appeal for

foreign troops -- especially from neighbouring Ethiopia -

- and the furore it unleashed must have seemed like an

answer to their prayers. A prominent Somali Internet

columnist warned in an editorial on al-Jazeerah:

Fatwas on Jihad would be issued, and streets of

Mogadishu would witness bloody clashes

between the Somalis and Ethiopian soldiers.

Such clashes would also grab the attention of the

Muslim world, thus spurring foreign legions of

bin Ladens and Zarqawis to find their way to

heaven to kill the infidel Abyssinian soldiers in




Mogadishu residents who subsequently took to the

streets in mass demonstrations were from a broad

cross section of Somali society. A young professional

explained to Crisis Group:

From Ethiopia's perspective it will be a war

between Ethiopia and the Islamists [ikhwaan].

But for we Somalis, it is not so simple. I have to

fight side by side with anyone who is fighting

Ethiopia….People do not want to join the

Islamists [wadaado]…but if it comes to that,

how can you refuse a coalition with them? It

won't matter who chews qaad and who doesn't

when the enemy is just over the horizon.16

Others simply feared that a foreign military intervention

would propel Islamists into leadership roles. "If there is

a war there will be no warlords", an employee of a

Western-oriented Somali NGO told Crisis Group. "The

religious groups (wadaado) will take the lead".17

Moderate Islamists, meanwhile, feared that intervention

could tilt the balance towards the militants: "The jihadis

are praying for the Ethiopians to come", explained a

member of al-Islax. "They can easily make Somalia like


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As long as Ethiopia is in the picture, people will put their differences aside and fight against arch-enemy, the amhaaro and their current keepers. May we unite under one banner, Islam and one name, Somalia. IA!!

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Ameen to that, lakin not the Islam of certain ppl in Somalia who want to target aid workers and other affliated ppl. One of the men who was implicated in the SOmaliland assisination of the British teacher was my neighbour's brother or cousin or believe..walahi he was sad...The ones who targeted the Germans were caught red handed by Somaliland locals trying to flee.....But of course these are a small minority in Somalia...nevertheless, they have the ability to destroy any struggle and create division. Ilahow dadka naga qabo!

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