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Amisom ambushed SOL's wedding of the decade

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It was about to happen soon. Insiders insist perhaps in two to three months. And it would undoubtedly have been the marriage of the Decade: The union of Distinguished SOLers DuliyeSare Nuune and the one and the only Valenteenah. But, accroding to an expose by Ngonge, Amisom's massacre of 11 camels last week throw a spanner onto the preparations for the big feast. Yet, many beleive it will happen eventually as the man who hails from the vilage of Camels Hargelle and Charatti is unlikely not to get replacement dowry in short period of time. But still we at least know this upcoming Ciid will not go as planned to the senior nomads concerned.


Buuxo, the only person who could have challenged for that accolade, was disqualified after she decided to go with the aspiring Rapper Rudy, in lieu of nin weyn oo dhaqan kara albeit with some technological support.

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Originally posted by Valenteenah:

A&T, Chief Rumour-Monger of SOL

Boy next door? Surbrise surbrise! smile.gif



Aniguna kumaan gabin, adna ima gooynine,

waayahaa ina gaadhsiiye


Gafna maad sameynine, calafbaa halkaa galey

aad galabta taalee

Xalwo Xaaji Yuusuf ayaan kugu galbinayaa

Dolce & Gabanna ayaan kugu galbinayaa...

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