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Potential Successes: Somali receive highest rankings!

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Few of us may know that back in 1986, Somalia reached food self-sufficiency when it signed a mutual pact in that regards with Algeria despite its potential almost untouched (notably its coast, one of the largest and most productive in the World).


Furthermore, the inter-riverine region on its own has the potential to feed the whole of sub-sahara Africa.


Moreover, and beyond the traditional preferential tariffs enjoyed by similar countries such as the ACP tariffs agreement with the EU, a developing Arab market worth almost a trillion of dollars represents another ideal and ever-eager client (in addition to mineral wealth, banana, Tuna, honey and other primary sector produces in short supply worldwide represent for each a market of tens of billions):





Building the banana chain in Somalia:

Support to Agricultural Marketing Services and Access to Markets

(SAMSAM) experiences

E. Baars, A. Riediger




"However, from 1993 to 1997, the sector was partly revived with exports to Europe and the Middle East, amounting to six refrigerated ships per month loading at the Mogadishu port near the

production areas"


"The study indicated that among farmers technical know-how is still largely available".


"Soil and water analysis show high nutritional contents with minimum supplementary

fertilizers required to optimize them"


"In times where food commodity prices are rising, Somali bananas can attract high end consumers and

therefore potentially and once established, be sold at high price levels."



Could you contribute by posting about another lucrative sector in which we have clear comparative advantage or potential?

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Somalia has 3,025 kilometers of coastline, fishing was a sector with excellent economic potential. Considerable attention had been paid to this sector, especially since the 1974 drought, when 15,000 nomads were resettled in fishing cooperatives. Data in the latter half of the 1980s showed improvement in the fishing industry. Food and Agriculture Organization estimates of total tons of fish caught and processed rose from 16,900 in 1986 to 18,200 in 1988, an increase that resulted from the development of a national fishing fleet. Yet fishing remained a largely unexploited sector, contributing less than 1 percent of GDP in 1990.


Source: The Library of Congress Country Studies.


Ps. Without a doubt, Allah blessed us with a beautiful land with too many resources to mention! But where is the appreciation :(

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Actually some marine species are considered as luxury which could fetch more than $ 100 000 the piece, ie bluefin Tuna which is very demanded in Japan.


However, many more products from sesame seeds and citrus fruits to medicinal and aromatic plants exported worldwide from the antiquity (eg Punt's trade with Egypt), are worth billions on their own.


With rapid growth and environmental challenges accross the globe, they are predicted to be at an ever higher premium...




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